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BackEnd Work In Progess

Craig Jennings edited this page Sep 24, 2014 · 1 revision

Automation 101

  • raking
  • releasing
  • optimization


  • Logging is your friend.
  • Logging is easy.
  • Logging saves your bacon.
  • Logging config file

Making a Toolkit

  • Additional fields (only work on API's base table)
  • Create a custom toolkit with DB transactionality

Validation of Input Models

  • Only works with POSTs
  • Currently only server side
  • link to fubuworld docs
  • Apply rules to an input model validator
  • Add input model in-place validation
  • Create a custom rule
  • Validation sources

Adding nuget dependencies

ripple install Dovetail.SDK.ModelMap -p custom

Bottles 101

Bottles are .Net assemblies that can register endpoints and static content to be served with your web application.

We have found a lot of nice reuse by creating bottles for site features:

  • Search - Conventional entity search
  • Lists - Render dynamic regular and hierarchical lists on your pages
  • Attachments - Support for uploading and downloading attachments

We are recommending that you put all new functionality being added via Bottle to the Agent web application.

Assets (Things in your content folder)

One thing to know about bottles is that whenever you add an asset that will be packaged with the web application. An image, javascript, CSS, or template file you'll need to run the bottle command to ensure they are packaged up to be served by the web application.

This happens when you rake automatically. If you only want to do the bottle command on its own. You can run rake bottle_{bottle_name}. So for the custom bottle that would be

rake custom_bottle

Content route

Anything found in the content/{path} directory of a bottle will be served up via the _content/{path} route off the root of the website.

Resource path redirecting to landing page


Bottles are found and initialized during application startup. Any any Bottle assembly found in your web application's bin folder will have their content "exploded" into the Web/fubu-content. Important: Your web application will need to have write access to this folder for this to work.

During development it is handy to see updates to assets you are changing without having to re-package your bottles everytime. This is accomplised by linking your bottle to your Web application using the a .links file found in your web application folder.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<links xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

If you add a bottle to your project you simply add a <include/> element to your .links file.

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