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iOS Swift Objective-C

An example iOS music/video player integration of Dolby Audio for Applications (DAA) v3.5.7.

DAAPlay requires the DAA library and API, which are only available to licensees of DAA. See here and here for information on becoming a licensee.

Quick StartFeaturesArchitecture and Code LayoutDeveloper GuidanceFAQs and Known IssuesVersion History

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Quick Start

From the DAA v3.5.7 SDK:

  1. Copy lib_daa_ac4dec_ios_generic_float32_release.a to DAAPlay/Audio/DAA/v3.5.7/lib
  2. Copy dlb_decode_api.h to DAAPlay/Audio/DAA/v3.5.7/include
  3. Copy dlb_buffer.h to DAAPlay/Audio/DAA/v3.5.7/include


  1. Open DAAPlay.xcodeproj
  2. Select a Development Team from the XCode project settings
  3. Connect an iPhone
  4. Build and run on an iPhone target

Encountered a problem? See the FAQs and known issues.


DAAPlay implements:

  • Integration of DAA with AVAudioEngine
  • Playback of .ac4 files
  • Playback of AC-4 up to Level 3, including AC-4 Immersive Stereo (IMS)
  • Playback of AC-4 at a frame rate of 2048 samples/frame (a.k.a. native frame rate)
  • Latency minimization between DAA and iOS
  • Automatic configuration of DAA's endpoint API according to the endpoint detected by iOS
  • Trick play (timeline scrubbing)
  • Integration of video playback (AVPlayer) with DAA/AVAudioEngine
  • A/V sync
  • Expert-mode interface
  • Content selection menu

DAAPlay does not implement:

  • Integration of DAA with AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer
  • Playback of AC-4 Level 4 A-JOC
  • Playback of Dolby Digital Plus (DD+) or DD+JOC
  • Playback of AC-4 encoded at video-aligned frame rates
  • Playback from .mp4
  • Playback from HLS or .m3u8
  • Playback from streaming media
  • Playback of encrypted content (ex: content protected by Fairplay)
  • Headtracked audio
  • Sideloading of content

Tested Devices

iPhone 13 Pro with iOS 16.4, and AirPods (3rd generation) and AirPods Max

Architecture and Code Layout


Location Code
DAAPlay/DAAPlayMain.swift Main entry point
DAAPlay/Views/ User interfaces (views), written in SwiftUI
DAAPlay/Models/ View models associated with views, written in Swift
DAAPlay/Audio/ Audio player
DAAPlay/Audio/AudioPlayerDAA.swift AVAudioEngine audio player, based on DAA
DAAPlay/Audio/DAA/DAADecoder.[h|m] DAA wrapper, written in Objective-C
DAAPlay/Audio/DAA/v3.57/[include|lib] Add DAA libraries and headers here
DAAPlay/Video/ Video player helpers
DAAPlay/Utilities/ Miscellaneous utility functions
DAAPlay/Supporting Files/Media Bundled media files
DAAPlay/Supporting Files/Media/contentPackingList Play list, in .json format

Developer Guidance

Enabling MP4 demuxing and HTTP Live Streaming

DAAPlay does not implement MP4 demuxing or HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), however Dolby provides developer resources at:

Additionally, source code for a Dolby MP4 demuxer is available on Github:

Integrating DAA with AVAudioEngine

Apple offers developers several API options for implementing audio functionality, including CoreAudio, AUGraph, AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer, AVAudioEngine, AVAudioPlayer, and AVPlayer. Each option offers a different trade-off of flexibility, complexity, and abstraction.

DAAPlay integrates DAA with the AVAudioEngine API. AVAudioEngine is the API with the highest level of abstraction that still has the flexibility needed to integrate DAA.

// AudioPlayerDAA.swift
class AudioPlayerDAA: AVAudioPlayerNode, ... {
// MusicPlayerViewModel.swift
var player = AudioPlayerDAA()
engine.connect(player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: format)
try engine.start()

Integrating DAA with AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer

AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer is an iOS API to play custom compressed audio. It is a lower-level API than AVAudioEngine, but is also well suited to DAA.

The DAAPlay app is based on AVAudioEngine rather than AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer. However, there are several advantages if choosing AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer:

  • Tighter control of timing, using CMClock
  • Tighter AV sync via the ability to lock an AVPlayer instance to the same clock of an AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer instance
  • Access to the AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer.allowedAudioSpatializationFormats API

Apple provides an excellent sample application for those intending to use AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer. If you want to integrate DAA with AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer, then please keep in mind:

  1. The sample app introduces the concept of a SampleBufferSource. This is where DAA would be called.
  2. PCM buffers (AVAudioPCMBuffer) produced by DAA must be tagged as binaural (kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Binaural), so that on-device virtualization is disabled.
  3. The sample app schedules decoding with AVQueuedSampleBufferRendering.requestMediaDataWhenReady(on:using:). However, this API precludes low-latency applications (i.e., head tracking) as the API will schedule >= 1 second of PCM ahead of the render time. To implement just-in-time decoding with DAA and AVAudioSampleBufferAudioRenderer, one must schedule audio with a periodic timer (say 5ms) rather than requestMediaDataWhenReady, and limit the amount of audio buffered.

Minimizing Output Latency

DAAPlay implements "just-in-time" decoding, operating off a ~5ms timer (256 audio samples @48kHz). This mechanism limits the buffering (i.e. latency) between DAA's output and AVAudioEngine's output mixer to DAA_AUDIO_BUFFER_SECONDS.

schedulingCallback() estimates the amount of audio buffered (estimatedBufferedTime) by observing AVAudioPlayerNode.playerTime, and comparing to an internal variable tracking the amount of audio scheduled by the player, scheduledTime.

The audio scheduling timer runs in a high priority queue, with a level of .userInteractive. This is a deliberate design decision intended to avoid audio dropouts due to high-priority premeptive events (ex: UI animations).

One complication is that the OS can initialize playerTime.sampleTime to a negative value, leading to an incorrest estimate of the amount of audio buffered. Experimentation suggests that the initial value is -2 x AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().ioBufferDuration. To avoid additional latency, DAA calculates the render time from an epoch that is self-initialized and updated.

Further complications arise when audio devices are connected/disconnected, causing a "jump" in the timeline, or a loss of A/V sync (if there is an associated AVPlayer instance). schedulingCallback() handles both of these cases.

// AudioPlayerDAA.swift
private let daaDecoderQueue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + "daa.decoder.queue", qos: .userInteractive)


func openFile(url: URL) throws -> AVAudioFormat? {
  // A timer schedules decoded audio to at least DAA_AUDIO_BUFFER_SECONDS ahead of buffer exhaustion
  let timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: daaDecoderQueue)
  timer.setEventHandler { [weak self] in
  timer.schedule(deadline: .now(), repeating: Constants.TWO_FIFTY_SIX_AUDIO_SAMPLES)

@objc func schedulingCallback() {
  // Initialize the render time epoch
  if !hasStarted {
    // Experimentation suggests the initial render time is equivalent to 2 x the reported ioBufferDuration
    self.renderTimeEpoch = -2 * AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().ioBufferDuration
  if self.state == .playing {
    if let nodeTime = self.lastRenderTime, let playerTime = self.playerTime(forNodeTime: nodeTime) {
      let currentRenderTime = TimeInterval(playerTime.sampleTime) / playerTime.sampleRate
      var estimatedBufferedTime = self.scheduledTime - (currentRenderTime - self.renderTimeEpoch)
      // When an audio device is connected/disconnected, a higher level player may lose A/V sync
      // if, for example, an AVPlayer pauses while an AVAudioEngine does not. To mitigate,
      // the higher level player may force a re-sync when an audio device is connected or disconnected.
      if forceResync {
        renderTimeEpoch = currentRenderTime - scheduledTime
        forceResync = false
      // AVAudioPlayerNode.lastRenderTime can "jump" forward, when a new audio device is connected.
      // Detect these timeline discontinutities, and compensate by adjusting the renderTimeEpoch
      if let priorLastRenderTime = self.priorLastRenderTime {
        if (currentRenderTime - priorLastRenderTime) > (8 * Constants.TWO_FIFTY_SIX_AUDIO_SAMPLES) {
          renderTimeEpoch = currentRenderTime - scheduledTime
          self.priorLastRenderTime = currentRenderTime
          // Don't schedule audio this time
      self.priorLastRenderTime = currentRenderTime
      // At start-up, the decoder will consume its own start-up samples, and this loop will
      // iterate multiple times.
      // In normal operation, this loop may operate 0..N times:
      //  - If the callback interval is less than the iOS output buffer size (observed at
      //    480-1024 audio samples, depending upon the connected device), the estimatedBufferedTime
      //    may not change from one callback to the next, as the prior output samples
      //    have not yet been rendered by the iOS (i.e. currentRenderTime may not change
      //    between consecutive calls. In this case, the loop may iterate 0 times.
      //  - When the above occurs, and when the prior output samples are finally rendered
      //    by iOS, the loop may iterate N times to catch up.
      while estimatedBufferedTime < Constants.DAA_AUDIO_BUFFER_SECONDS {
        do {
          let didSchedule = try self.scheduleNextAudio()
          if didSchedule == false { break }
        } catch {}
        estimatedBufferedTime = self.scheduledTime - (currentRenderTime - self.renderTimeEpoch)

As a further measure to reduce output latency, DAAPlay requests the OS to reduce I/O buffers to 5ms.

// MusicPlayerViewModel.swift
// VideoPlayerViewModel.swift

private func configureEngine(with format: AVAudioFormat) {

  // Minimize latency due to OS's IO buffer
  let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
  do {
    try session.setPreferredIOBufferDuration(Constants.FIVE_MILLISECONDS)
  } catch {
    log.warning("Failed call to setPreferredIOBufferDuration()")

  do {
    try engine.start()
    isPlayerReady = true
  } catch {
    print("Error configuring engine: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Managing On-Device Virtualization

It is incorrect to apply virtualization twice. When decoding, DAA will produced a virtualized output and therefore iOS's native virtualization (i.e. "Spatial Audio") should be disabled.

A complication is that iOS does not provide APIs to directly control the native virtualization when using AVAudioEngine. Instead, one must signal to iOS that PCM produced by DAA is binaural. This is a two-step process.

Firstly, PCM buffers (AVAudioPCMBuffer) produced by DAA must be tagged with kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Binaural.

// AudioPlayerDAA.swift
private let binauralFormat = AVAudioFormat(
  standardFormatWithSampleRate: Constants.SAMPLE_RATE,
  channelLayout: AVAudioChannelLayout(
    layoutTag: kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Binaural)!


private func scheduleNextAudio() throws -> Bool {
  // Convert buffer format
  guard let outputBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: binauralFormat,
                                            frameCapacity: decodedBlock.buffer.frameLength),
        let converter = AVAudioConverter(from: decodedBlock.buffer.format, to: binauralFormat)
  else { throw AudioPlayerDAAError.failedToCreatePCMBuffer }
  try converter.convert(to: outputBuffer, from: decodedBlock.buffer)

Secondly, AVAudioEngines nodes must be connected with the binaural AVAudioFormat.

Note: the step to explicity connect AVAudioEngines internal mainMixerNode and outputNode is unorthodox, but crucial.

// MusicPlayerViewModel.swift
// VideoPlayerViewModel.swift
private func configureEngine(with format: AVAudioFormat) {
  // "format" is the (binaural) AVAudioFormat produced by AudioPlayerDAA
  // Most AVAudioEngine-based apps rely upon the engine to automatically connect the engine's
  // internal "mainMixer" and "output" nodes. However, this app makes the connection explicit
  // as it ensures audio sent to the output node is tagged as binaural. This step is crucial
  // for managing on-device virtualization.
  engine.connect(player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: format)
  engine.connect(engine.mainMixerNode, to: engine.outputNode, format: format)

If playing a concurrent AVPlayer instance, then an additional step is to disallow on-device virtualization using the iOS API allowedAudioSpatializationFormats.

// VideoPlayerViewModel.swift
private func setupVideo(url: URL) {
  videoPlayer = AVPlayer(url: url)
  videoPlayer?.isMuted = true
  videoPlayer?.currentItem?.allowedAudioSpatializationFormats = AVAudioSpatializationFormats(rawValue: 0)

Configuring Loudness

DAAPlay configures the Output Reference Loudness (ORL) to -16 LKFS.

// DAADecoder.m
/* Reset all decoder parameters */


parameterValue = -16;
dlb_decode_setparam(_decoder, DLB_DECODE_CTL_OUTPUT_REFERENCE_LEVEL_ID, &parameterValue, sizeof(parameterValue));

Configuring DAA for the Connected Audio Device

DAAPlay's AudioSystemManager detects the currently connected audio device.

class AudioSystemManager: NSObject, ObservableObject {
  static let shared = AudioSystemManager()
  @Published var headphonesConnected = false
  @Published var outputName: String = ""
  @Published var outputType: AVAudioSession.Port = .builtInSpeaker
  @Published var isSpatialAudioEnabled: Bool = false


  @objc func handleRouteChange(notification: Notification) {

    switch reason {

    case .newDeviceAvailable: // New device found.
      let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
      headphonesConnected = hasHeadphones(in: session.currentRoute)

    case .oldDeviceUnavailable: // Old device removed.
      let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
      headphonesConnected = hasHeadphones(in: session.currentRoute)

    default: ()

  func updateActivePort() {
    let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
    let route: AVAudioSessionRouteDescription = session.currentRoute
    outputName = route.outputs[0].portName
    outputType = route.outputs[0].portType
    isSpatialAudioEnabled = route.outputs[0].isSpatialAudioEnabled
    // Check for un-supported audio endpoints
    if !(hasHeadphones(in: route) || hasBuiltInSpeakers(in: route)) || !isStereo(in: route) {
      // Playing virtualized content over audio endpoints other than stereo headphones
      // and built-in stereo speakers is incorrect.
      // A fully-featured media player is expected to switch to a non-virtualized audio
      // stream when such audio endpoints are connected.
      // However, as DAAPlay does not support more than one audio stream, this app
      // prints an error message and continues.
      self.log.error("Unsupported audio port: \(self.outputName)")


When a new device is connected, the Video and Music players dynamically configure DAA's endpoint according to the connected audio device.

// MusicPlayerViewModel.swift

// Respond to headphone connect/disconnects
  .sink(receiveValue: { headphonesConnected in
    _ = self.player.pauseAndResync()
    self.audioPlayer.setEndpoint(endp: headphonesConnected ? .headphones : .speakers)
  .store(in: &cancellables)
// VideoPlayerViewModel.swift

// Respond to headphone connect/disconnects
  .sink(receiveValue: { headphonesConnected in
    self.audioPlayer.setEndpoint(endp: headphonesConnected ? .headphones : .speakers)
  .store(in: &cancellables)
// AudioPlayerDAA.swift

func setEndpoint(endp: Endpoint) {
  endpoint = endp
  self.decoder.setHeadphoneEndpoint(endpoint == .headphones)

Integrating Video Playback with DAA

DAAPlay utilizes AVPlayer for video playback and AVAudioEngine for audio. These players are independent, but jointly managed by the VideoPlayerViewModel. Note that the AVPlayer is muted.

A complication is that AVAudioEngine output is subject to a latency that is unaccounted for by AVPlayer, resulting in a loss of A/V sync. To mitigate this, DAAPlay offsets audio and video play/pause operations by audioOutputLatency.

// VideoPlayerViewModel.swift
var videoPlayer: AVPlayer?
var audioPlayer = AudioPlayerDAA()
private let engine = AVAudioEngine()
private var audioOutputLatency: TimeInterval = 0


private func setupVideo(url: URL) {
  videoPlayer = AVPlayer(url: url)
  videoPlayer?.isMuted = true


func play() {
  self.audioOutputLatency = self.engine.mainMixerNode.outputPresentationLatency
  let isStartOfStream = audioPlayer.playAndDetectStartOfStream()
  if isStartOfStream {
    seekVideo(to: 0) { _ in
      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + self.audioOutputLatency) {
  } else {
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + self.audioOutputLatency) {

func pause() {
  DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + self.audioOutputLatency) {

Synchronizing Audio and Video (A/V Sync)

To achieve A/V sync, DAAPlay minimizes output latency, performs just-in-time decoding, offsets play/pause operations between AVPlayer and AVAudioEngine, and corrects for loss of sync when audio devices are connected or disonnected. These are described above.

To further ensure A/V sync, DAA also implements the following:

  1. Zeroing of DAA algorithmic latency
  2. Precise AVPlayer seeking operations
  3. Interrupting scheduling when seeking

Zeroing of DAA Algorithmic Latency

DAADecoder zeros (i.e. removes, consumes) its own algorithmic latency (3168 samples, for AC-4 inputs at native frame rate). Hence the zero point on the audio timeline corresponds to the first sample associated with an AC-4 frame. The benefit is that the timeline of an associated AVPlayer does need adjustment to compensate for DAA latency.

// DAADecoder.m
createDecoderFor() {
  _startUpSamples = ESTIMATED_LATENCY;

  /* Decode */
  err = dlb_decode_process(_decoder, &ioParams);
  // Consume "start-up samples"
  if (_startUpSamples > 0) {
    long long samplesToCopy = ioParams.output_samples_num - _startUpSamples;

    if (samplesToCopy <= 0) {
        // Empty frame: Consume all the samples and output a zero frame
    } else {
        // Partial frame: Consume the first _startUpSamples samples and output the rest
  } else {
    // Output a regular frame (2048 samples)

Precise AVPlayer Seeking Operations

VideoPlayerViewModel.seekVideo() implements precise seeking, so that AVPlayer remains in sync with AVAudioEngine

// VideoPlayerViewModel.swift
private func seekVideo(to newTime: Float64, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
  let newCMTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(
    preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC))
    to: newCMTime,
    completionHandler: completionHandler)

Interrupting Scheduling When Seeking

When seeking, DAAPlay overwrites un-rendered audio in AVAudioEngine's output buffer (i.e. audio from the old playback point), with new audio. The AVAudioEngine APIs refer to this as "interrupting". This approach prevents loss of A/V sync when seeking due to un-rendered audio in AVAudioEngine output buffer.

// AudioPlayerDAA.swift
func seek(frame: Int) -> Double {
  // Any playing buffer should be interrupted upon restart
  interruptPlayingBuffer = true

func scheduleNextAudio() throws {
  // If interrupting, the next buffer should overwrite un-rendered audio in AVAudioEngine's output buffer
  var options: AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferOptions = []
  if interruptPlayingBuffer {
    interruptPlayingBuffer = false
  // Schedule buffer
  scheduleBuffer(..., options: options)

FAQs and Known Issues

Q: Can DAAPlay run on XCode's iOS Simulator?

The iOS Simulator is not supported. The DAA library is built for the iOS-arm64 architecture. On Intel Macs, the XCode simulator targets a Simulator-x86_64 architecture. If trying to build for the iOS simulator, you will encounter XCode build errors:

⚠️ Ignoring file /path/to/DAAPlay/Audio/DAA/v3.5.7/lib/lib_daa_ac4dec_ios_generic_float32_release.a, building for iOS Simulator-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for iOS-arm64
❌ Undefined symbol: _dlb_decode_addbytes
❌ Undefined symbol: _dlb_decode_close
Q: Why don't I hear audio when launching DAAPlay from XCode?

There is a known issue where, occasionally, audio is decoded and sent to iOSs output mixer but not played back to users. The issue only occurs when ALL of the following are true:

  1. Launching DAAPlay from XCode,
  2. Playing audio over a Bluetooth endpont, and
  3. Simultaneously playing audio and video (i.e. with DAA and AVPlayer resectively)

The issue is sporadic, and the root cause unknown.

The workaround is to re-launch the app from XCode, or launch the app from the iOS home screen instead.

Version History

  • Adds a modern user interface
  • Adds support for NowPlaying and remote commands
  • Documents how to manage on-device virtualization
  • Documents the option to use AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer instead of AVAudioEngine
  • Manages iOS audio session activation and deactivation
  • Allows audio playback from background
  • Disallows spatialization from AVPlayer
  • Relaxes the audio scheduling timing mechanism by ~5ms
  • Makes each XCode bundle identifier unique
  • Adds log message when spatial playback capabilities change
  • Renames AudioDeviceManager to AudioSystemManager
  • No functional changes
  • Replaces LFS-stored files in GitHub with native versions
  • Refers users to dlb_mp4demux on Github
  • Outputs PCM as float, and signals as "binaural" to iOS
  • Mitigates audio dropouts when UI animations occur by correctly prioritizing audio events with Grand Central Dispatch
  • The initial release of DAAPlay targeting DAA v3.5.7 and playback of AC-4 IMS