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Profile | Name | Role |
정희찬 anselmo |
Restful API with Spring Boot with GCP and Elastic Search |
The Sing-To-Me website is a platform where you can create new songs by overlaying different voices onto original tracks. Users can upload various voice files to train models, and then choose original songs and trained voices to blend together, creating new vocal combinations. Key features include:
- User login and management
- Uploading voice files and training models
- Blending original songs with trained voices to synthesize new songs
- Song playback
- Providing a Top100 list of popular songs
- *�Voice API: Controlls every request against Voice List(Create, Read, Modify, Delete)
- *�AI Cover Song API: Controlls every request against Voice List(Create, Read, Modify, Delete) and Checking if the RVC model is running or not.
The project's folder structure is as follows: According to MVC pattern of Spring boot. We folderized every contents in to Model, Controllers and Service. Each domain has own Model Contollers and Services.
The languages, libraries, frameworks, and tools used in the project are as follows:
- Languages: Java, Spring, SQL
- Libraries and Frameworks:
- Tools: Intellij