This is Vagrant box for Wordpress developers. This box has the minimal requirements to run Wordpress. This box will get latest Wordpres, set up the database and install the Wordpress for you.
Minimal PHP version is ideal for WP development. You can't use latest features and function, and you will be sure that you plugins will work on any Wordpress platform.
LAMP is powered by Bitnami LAMP stack installer version 1.2-5 and
Inside the Box is
- Apache 2.2
- PHP 5.2.17
- MySQL 5.1.56
- phpMyAdmin
- libmcrypt 1.2.8
- Latest Wordpress
1 - Clone this respository
git clone
2 - Go into the box directory
cd Wordpress-Vagrant-Box
3 - Run the vagrant command
vagrant up
After this wait while the puppet provisioning your vagrant server. When it is done your wordpress installation will be located into Wordpress-Vagrant-Box/www/wordpress
You can access to wordpress via
user: admin password : avantime
user: root password: avanti
access via
No password required
/home/vagrant/lampstack/ stop
/home/vagrant/lampstack/ start
/home/vagrant/lampstack/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p$avanti