The goal of this app is to allow authenticated users to add, edit, or delete past trainings, facilitating a long-term review of their training progress.
You can view the project live here: Streetworkout-Training-History
- Application users are street workout enthusiasts. They must log in to use the app.
- New users must sign up.
- Users should be able to upload avatars, change their names, and passwords.
- A logged-in user should be able to view and read all users and see their names and avatars.
- Users should be able to view details of each user.
- Users should be able to see details of each selected user's workout (without the ability to edit others' data).
- Contains a history of workouts, their execution date, the number of repetitions, and a difficulty rating (1 to 5). Provides an overview of all trainings and other details.
- Allows to authenticated user the addition of a new workout (trainings/new), updating or deleting training.
- Displays details of an individual workout based on the ID, including the number of pull-ups, dips, push-ups, and a description of the entire workout.
- Provides the ability to edit and delete workouts.
- React
- Supabase
- Styled Components
- React Query
- React Router
- React Hook Form
- React Scheduler
To start the project, it is necessary to download the files from the github repository and after that run this commands:
'npm i'
'npm run dev'
- This is React-Scheduler Library through which I displayed the calendar: React-Scheduler Library