Releases: DisableGraphics/Web-page-downloader
Releases · DisableGraphics/Web-page-downloader
The 'smol' release
This release requires wget.exe ( since this program needs the wget utility to download the web pages.
(i'm assuming that, if you have *NIX installed in your computer, you have the wget utility installed on your system)
if it is not installed enter these commands:
-Debian / Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install wget
-Arch Linux: sudo pacman -Sy wget
-Fedora / Red Hat: sudo yum install wget
-SUSE / OpenSUSE: sudo zypper install wget
-FreeBSD: sudo pkg install wget
The release:
This can download web pages with varying degrees of success (most images aren't downloaded, but, for the rest, it's OK). Note that this program was written when I was a bad C programmer, so bugs may be present.