Its a chat application where logged in user can create a group or join any available groups. User can also request for a ride in a group.
- Mobile Framework: Android
- Storage/Database: FireBase
- API: Google service such as Google Direction, Google Maps, Geocoding API
Wireframe link: The Chat Room Wireframe
Application Demonstration Video: The Chat Room Demo
Login Screen | Navigation Screen | Group Chat Rooms list Screen | Create Group Dialog |
Chat Screen where user request a ride | Profile Screen | List of user with online status | Map show Driver's location to pickup rider |
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Android Studio Download Android Studio
- Firebase
- API key for Google Map SDK for android. Tutorials
- Clone the repository.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Install Android Emulator. Follow steps
- Run the project on android emulator.