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SAML MDQ client with caching and signature verification. Now in a Docker container!


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MDQT Container - A Metadata Query Tool (in a container)

This project wraps a 20kb utility written in Ruby inside an entire portable OS, which feels rather ridiculous but may be useful for people who can install Docker but who don't want to bother with a Ruby and C development environment.


MDQT is small library and commandline tool to query MDQ services for SAML metadata. You could do this with curl and xmlsec1 but it's a little more convenient to use mdqt instead.

MDQ currently supports:

  • Downloading single entities, lists or aggregates
  • Signature verification
  • Saving metadata to disk
  • Caching entity metadata on disk
  • Gzip compression


MDQ is a simple HTTP-based standard for looking up individual SAML entity metadata. Rather than regularly downloading large metadata aggregates containing thousands of entity descriptions, an IdP or SP can download the metadata for an individual entity whenever it is needed.

The UK Access Management Federation has a useful page explaining MDQ


A quick alias to run only with built-in files, outputting to STDOUT and STDERR:

$ alias mdqt='docker run --rm digitalidentity/mdqt'

Run with a relatively normal mdqt command (after a delay the first time while it downloads):

$ mdqt get --cache --verbose --verify-with example.pem {sha1}52e2065fc0d53744e8d4ee2c2f30696ebfc5def9

That's it!

To access new certificates (you should use new certificates) and write files you will need to mount your current working directory at /opt/app in the container:

$ alias mdqt='docker run -v $(pwd):/opt/app --rm digitalidentity/mdqt'
$ mdqt get --cache --verbose --verify-with my_checked_cert.pem --save-to md [sha1]52e2065fc0d53744e8d4ee2c2f30696ebfc5def9

If you are always using the same MDQ server you can specify it with an environment variable to save time:

$ alias mdqt='docker run -e MDQT_SERVICE="" --rm digitalidentity/mdqt'

Using MDQT

Full instructions are available at the main MDQT repository.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


SAML MDQ client with caching and signature verification. Now in a Docker container!








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