A web-based tool to check if players in a Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive matches have any Steam bans. It also features a social graph to visualize the relationships between players based on their Steam friendships / relevant groups.
Vite is used for development and building the front-end application. It provides fast development with features like hot module replacement (HMR) and efficient production builds. Vite is configured using vite.config.js
in the project root. All requests with the /api
prefix are forwarded to the back-end Express server during development, using the vite server-proxy configuration
PRE: You need to have docker to run the image at /redis folder
- Rename .env.example to .env & update the values
- Run
npm run dev
- Read
- Replace "name" & "app" strings with your new app name at package.json at fly.toml (respectively)
- Run
npm i
- Rename .env.example to .env
- Run
flyctl launch
- When prompted for a builder, select builtin Nodejs.
- Run
npm run fly:deploy
(for future deployments only this command will be needed)
npm run fly:stop
npm run fly:start
npm run fly:ssh
- type
- quit with
Add them to .env file. Alternatively use fly.io built command but note those take precedence over the ones at .env
flyctl secrets set SECRET="myvalue" -a <app-name>
From terminal
npm run fly:logs
Upstash Redis can be created with flyctl redis create
flyctl redis list
& copy redis nameflyctl redis status <redis-name>
& then copy the Private URL & set the proper env variable at the .env file
Currently hosted free of charge on Fly.io