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First half of PyCX 1.0 sample codes
hsayama authored Dec 18, 2019


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1 parent a5a8db7 commit c4f3dc9
Showing 61 changed files with 2,561 additions and 0 deletions.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions
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import pycxsimulator
from pylab import *

width = 100
height = 100
populationSize = 1000

noiseLevel = 1
collisionDistance = 2
CDsquared = collisionDistance ** 2

toBeRemoved = -1

def initialize():
global time, free, fixed

time = 0

free = []
for i in range(populationSize - 1):
free.append([uniform(0, width), uniform(0, height)])

fixed = []
fixed.append([width / 2, height / 2])

def observe():
if free != []:
x = [ag[0] for ag in free]
y = [ag[1] for ag in free]
scatter(x, y, color = 'cyan')
if fixed != []:
x = [ag[0] for ag in fixed]
y = [ag[1] for ag in fixed]
scatter(x, y, color = 'blue')
axis([0, width, 0, height])
title('t = ' + str(time))

def clip(a, amin, amax):
if a < amin: return amin
elif a > amax: return amax
else: return a

def update():
global time, free, fixed

time += 1

# simulate random motion
for ag in free:
ag[0] += normal(0, noiseLevel)
ag[1] += normal(0, noiseLevel)
ag[0] = clip(ag[0], 0, width)
ag[1] = clip(ag[1], 0, height)

# detect collision and change state
for i in range(len(free)):
for j in range(len(fixed)):
if (free[i][0]-fixed[j][0])**2 + (free[i][1]-fixed[j][1])**2 < CDsquared:
free[i] = toBeRemoved

# remove "toBeRemoved" free particles
while toBeRemoved in free:

pycxsimulator.GUI().start(func=[initialize, observe, update])
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions
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import pycxsimulator
from pylab import *

width = 50
height = 50
populationSize = 3000

evaporationRate = 0.02
diffusionCoefficient = 0.8
hillClimbingProb = 0.95

def initialize():
global time, agents, envir, nextenvir

time = 0

agents = []
for i in range(populationSize):
newAgent = [randint(width), randint(height)]

envir = zeros([height, width])
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
envir[y, x] = random()

nextenvir = zeros([height, width])

def observe():
imshow(envir, cmap = cm.YlOrRd, vmin = 0, vmax = 3)
x = [ag[0] for ag in agents]
y = [ag[1] for ag in agents]
scatter(x, y, cmap = cm.bone, alpha = 0.2)
title('t = ' + str(time))

def clip(a, amin, amax):
if a < amin: return amin
elif a > amax: return amax
else: return a

def update():
global time, agents, envir, nextenvir

time += 1

# diffusion and evaporation of phenomones
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
localAv = 0
for dx in range(-1, 2):
for dy in range(-1, 2):
localAv += envir[(y+dy) % height, (x+dx) % width]
localAv /= 9.0
nextenvir[y, x] = envir[y, x] + (localAv - envir[y, x]) * diffusionCoefficient
nextenvir[y, x] *= (1.0 - evaporationRate)

envir, nextenvir = nextenvir, envir

for ag in agents:

if random() < hillClimbingProb:
# simulate hill-climbing motion
maxph = 0
maxdx = 0
maxdy = 0
for dx in range(-1, 2):
for dy in range(-1, 2):
tempx = (ag[0]+dx) % width
tempy = (ag[1]+dy) % height
if maxph < envir[tempy, tempx]:
maxph = envir[tempy, tempx]
maxdx = dx
maxdy = dy
ag[0] += maxdx
ag[1] += maxdy
ag[0] += randint(-1, 2)
ag[1] += randint(-1, 2)

ag[0] = clip(ag[0], 0, width - 1)
ag[1] = clip(ag[1], 0, height - 1)

# production of pheromones
envir[ag[1], ag[0]] += 0.01

pycxsimulator.GUI().start(func=[initialize, observe, update])

69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions
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import pycxsimulator
from pylab import *

width = 50
height = 50
populationSize = 50

free = 0
carrying = 1

garbageProb = 0.8

def initialize():
global time, agents, envir

time = 0

agents = []
for i in range(populationSize):
newAgent = [randint(width), randint(height), free]

envir = zeros([height, width])
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
if random() < garbageProb:
state = 1
state = 0
envir[y, x] = state

def observe():
imshow(envir, cmap = cm.YlOrRd, vmin = 0, vmax = 5)
x = [ag[0] for ag in agents]
y = [ag[1] for ag in agents]
s = [ag[2] for ag in agents]
scatter(x, y, c = s, cmap = cm.bwr)
title('t = ' + str(time))

def clip(a, amin, amax):
if a < amin: return amin
elif a > amax: return amax
else: return a

def update():
global time, agents, envir

time += 1

for ag in agents:

# simulate random motion
ag[0] += randint(-1, 2)
ag[1] += randint(-1, 2)
ag[0] = clip(ag[0], 0, width - 1)
ag[1] = clip(ag[1], 0, height - 1)

# simulate interaction between ants and environment
if envir[ag[1], ag[0]] > 0:
if ag[2] == free:
envir[ag[1], ag[0]] -= 1
ag[2] = carrying
envir[ag[1], ag[0]] += 1
ag[2] = free

pycxsimulator.GUI().start(func=[initialize, observe, update])
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions
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import pycxsimulator
from pylab import *

n = 1000 # number of agents
w = 100 # number of rows/columns in spatial array

k = 1 # rate of cAMP decay
Dc = 0.001 # diffusion constant of cAMP
Dh = 0.01 # spatial resolution for cAMP simulation
Dt = 0.01 # time resolution for cAMP simulation

f = 1 # rate of cAMP secretion by an agent

class agent:

def initialize():
global agents, env, nextenv

agents = []
for i in range(n):
ag = agent()
ag.x = randint(w)
ag.y = randint(w)

env = zeros([w, w])
nextenv = zeros([w, w])

def observe():
global agents, env, nextenv
imshow(env, cmap = cm.binary, vmin = 0, vmax = 1)
x = [ag.x for ag in agents]
y = [ag.y for ag in agents]
plot(y, x, 'b.') # x and y are swapped to match the orientation of env

def update():
global agents, env, nextenv

# simulating diffusion and evaporation of cAMP
for x in range(w):
for y in range(w):
C, R, L, U, D = env[x,y], env[(x+1)%w,y], env[(x-1)%w,y], \
env[x,(y+1)%w], env[x,(y-1)%w]
lap = (R + L + U + D - 4 * C) / (Dh**2)
nextenv[x,y] = env[x,y] + (- k * C + Dc * lap) * Dt
env, nextenv = nextenv, env

# simulating secretion of cAMP by agents
for ag in agents:
env[ag.x, ag.y] += f * Dt

# simulating chemotaxis of agents
for ag in agents:
newx, newy = (ag.x + randint(-1, 2)) % w, (ag.y + randint(-1, 2)) % w
diff = (env[newx, newy] - env[ag.x, ag.y]) / 0.1
if random() < exp(diff) / (1 + exp(diff)):
ag.x, ag.y = newx, newy

pycxsimulator.GUI().start(func=[initialize, observe, update])
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
import pycxsimulator
from pylab import *

import copy as cp

nr = 500. # carrying capacity of rabbits

r_init = 100 # initial rabbit population
mr = 0.03 # magnitude of movement of rabbits
dr = 1.0 # death rate of rabbits when it faces foxes
rr = 0.1 # reproduction rate of rabbits

f_init = 30 # initial fox population
mf = 0.05 # magnitude of movement of foxes
df = 0.1 # death rate of foxes when there is no food
rf = 0.5 # reproduction rate of foxes

cd = 0.02 # radius for collision detection
cdsq = cd ** 2

class agent:

def initialize():
global agents
agents = []
for i in range(r_init + f_init):
ag = agent()
ag.type = 'r' if i < r_init else 'f'
ag.m = mr if i < r_init else mf ###
ag.x = random()
ag.y = random()

def observe():
global agents
rabbits = [ag for ag in agents if ag.type == 'r']
if len(rabbits) > 0:
x = [ag.x for ag in rabbits]
y = [ag.y for ag in rabbits]
plot(x, y, 'b.')
foxes = [ag for ag in agents if ag.type == 'f']
if len(foxes) > 0:
x = [ag.x for ag in foxes]
y = [ag.y for ag in foxes]
plot(x, y, 'ro')
axis([0, 1, 0, 1])

def update_one_agent():
global agents
if agents == []:

ag = choice(agents)

# simulating random movement
m = ag.m ###
ag.x += uniform(-m, m)
ag.y += uniform(-m, m)
ag.x = 1 if ag.x > 1 else 0 if ag.x < 0 else ag.x
ag.y = 1 if ag.y > 1 else 0 if ag.y < 0 else ag.y

# detecting collision and simulating death or birth
neighbors = [nb for nb in agents if nb.type != ag.type
and (ag.x - nb.x)**2 + (ag.y - nb.y)**2 < cdsq]

if ag.type == 'r':
if len(neighbors) > 0: # if there are foxes nearby
if random() < dr:
if random() < rr*(1-sum([1 for x in agents if x.type == 'r'])/nr):
newborn = cp.copy(ag) ###
newborn.m += uniform(-0.01, 0.01) ###
agents.append(newborn) ###
if len(neighbors) == 0: # if there are no rabbits nearby
if random() < df:
else: # if there are rabbits nearby
if random() < rf:
newborn = cp.copy(ag) ###
newborn.m += uniform(-0.01, 0.01) ###
agents.append(newborn) ###

def update():
global agents
t = 0.
while t < 1. and len(agents) > 0:
t += 1. / len(agents)

pycxsimulator.GUI().start(func=[initialize, observe, update])

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