Release NanoVNA firmware v1.0.63
Added expert config menu
- Added harmonic threshold input
- Added TCXO frequency input (allow prescision frequency calibration)
- Added Vbat offset input
- Added expert option SEPARATOR (can be dot or comma, used for digit output to console, some CPU soft not work correctly vs default dot (1.56 example) if system locale use comma (need send 1,56))
- Added load config.ini from SD card (possible write custom script for run/restore)
- Added clear config
More Fast sweep (up to 770 points/sec)
More fast and smooth UI update
Added SD card access console commands (sd_read, sd_list, sd_delete)
Allow fast change scale/ref fy click on left screen side
Rename CH0 to S11, and CH1 to S21
Added up to 8 markers support
Added more serial speed option (up to 3M, on this speed can work WiFi modules)
Added custom recall buttons (possible see start/stop freq or empty slot)
Added smooth option Display->Data smooth (Smooth mode need use carefully!!!)
- Smooth now have 2 mode
Arith avg - made arifmetic average
Geom avg - made geometry average - max value in device x6 (x8 avaible from console)
Added show grid value option (DISPLAY->SCALE->SHOW GRID VALUES)
Added dotted grid option (DISPLAY->SCALE->DOT GRID)
Added JOG STEP option (allow add custom frequency step by lever left/right)
Added fast math function (allow more faster update trace data)
A lot of small bug fixes, code size optimization