This is a smart contact manager implentation in javascript and c++
This is a smart contact manager implentation in javascript and c++
1.Download .zip file
2.Using git
git clone
3.To download dependencies to run gui.cpp(linux based only)
sudo apt install libfltk1.3-dev
MacOs(using homebrew)
brew install fltk
sudo dnf install fltk-devel
- Contact Manager on terminal using Tries and Binary Search trees
- Prefix Searching on terminal
- JavaScript Binary search tree visualization
- Simple C++ gui application to search and add contacts
1.Open index.html file to use the frontend version 2.Compile and run the main.cpp file to use the console version
g++ main.cpp -o a.out
3.Compile and run the gui.cpp file to use the gui interface
g++ gui.cpp -lfltk -o a.out