I stopped coding as often as I used to. Recently, I've been making small programs to test my skills. I've actually found that I've gotten more mature. I am using conceptually harder methods if it means less memory usage.
This can be seen in the programs "find", and "find-and-replace". I used to think that these algorithms were tedious to write, and whenever I needed something similar, I used memory intensive approaches that don't seem feasable to me now in the slightest. My mind always used to go to concatenation for this because it refused to think about edge cases related to array bounds. I'm different now, and am more open to different approaches.
This hiatus from coding has not been as bad for me as I expected. I may have forgotten obscure functions and concepts in C, but my problem solving didn't deteriorate. That's the most important thing. I'll be coding more from now onward.
- 📫 How to reach me: https://www.twitter.com/SameerAchhab
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: vanilla flavouring has a component called Castoreum that comes from the anal glands of beavers. :)