Build native mobile applications, desktop applications, and web applications with React
React-Native-Positron (RNP) is a project that bundles React Native, React-Native-Web, and Electron. It allows you to build cross-platform applications for Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux, and the web— all from one codebase.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. You will also need to ensure your React Native development environment is set up and that you have a working Android or iOS device or emulator on hand.
From your command line:
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate into the project
cd react-native-positron-quickstart
# Install project dependencies
npm install
In separate terminals, run the following:
# Start the Metro Bundler
npm start
# Run the webpack development server
npm run run:web
# Deploy the application to an Android device or emulator
npm run run:android
# Deploy the application to an iOS device or emulator
npm run run:ios
# Bundle and launch the Electron application
npm run run:electron
You can read more about how RNP works and build your own application by checking out my Project Writeup on Medium.
If you're interested in the state of the application without Redux, SVG support, and electron build tooling, please see the medium-snapshot branch.