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Database Table View Search

Ludwig Stockbauer-Muhr edited this page Dec 1, 2019 · 3 revisions

Search for Database table / view

The Database Table/View search currently supports the following search filters:

Filter Description Negation allowed
owner Author (Responsible Person) ✔️
package Development Package ✔️
desc Description ✔️
field Field in the Table/View ✔️
type Type of Database Entity ✔️

Search Examples

  • Search Filters: field:matnr desc:*Cond* package:test*
    Searches for all database tables/views that have a field named "MATNR", whose description contains "Cond", and that lie in a development package starting with "TEST"

  • Object Name: cs* / Search Filters: owner: sy-uname
    Searches for all database tables/views where the responsible person is the currently logged on user and which start with the name "CS"

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