This repo houses the build logic for Determinate Systems' official Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for NixOS. Our AMIs are available for these systems:
System | Nix system name |
AMD64 Linux | x86_64-linux |
ARM64 Linux | aarch64-linux |
On both systems, the AMIs have these tools installed:
Determinate Nix, Determinate Systems' validated and secure Nix distribution for enterprises. This includes Determinate Nixd, a utility that enables you to log in to FlakeHub from AWS using only this command (amongst other tasks):
determinate-nixd login aws
Once logged in, your AMI can access FlakeHub Cache and private flakes for your organization. Note that there is no need to manage access tokens or keys, as Determinate Nixd uses AWS Security Token Service for authentication.
fh, the CLI for FlakeHub. You can use fh for things like applying NixOS configurations uploaded to FlakeHub Cache. Here's an example:
determinate-nixd login aws fh apply nixos "my-org/my-flake/*"
This is an initial version of NixOS with Determinate Nix AMIs.
You can use our official AMI for NixOS in a Terraform configuration like this:
data "aws_ami" "detsys_nixos" {
most_recent = true
owners = ["535002876703"]
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["determinate/nixos/epoch-1/*"]
filter {
name = "architecture"
values = ["x86_64"]