Scop is an opinionated, self-contained data format and post-optimization toolchain. Currently, it's aimed towards use with OpenMDAO.
If you can identify with one of multiple of these statements, you might be interested in Scop:
- You do multi-objective heuristic optimization and just want to see the feasible and non-dominated subset of all your designs.
- You want to do efficient manipulations and calculations across multiple designs and not only look at single designs in isolation.
- You don't necessarily want to persist all data to disk all the time.
- You think that xarray
s or PandasDataFrame
s have more swag than SQLite blobs.
You use Conda, and run the following in your environment:
conda install ovidner::openmdao-scop
Until I write some decent documentation, let me know what you want to do, and I'll try to see if Scop can help you.
It's just a word, because...
- I'm tired of cheesy acronyms.
- Just using a word gives me a greater freedom to pivot the project without necessarily changing its name.
If Scop were to be an acronym, it could stand for Self-Contained Optimization Pile-of-data.