Descord is a minimal, easy to use discord api wrapper.
use descord::prelude::*;
async fn main() {
let mut client = Client::new(
// for message commands
| GatewayIntent::MESSAGE_CONTENT,
"!", // default prefix for message command
// register commands, events and slash commands manually
// alternatively you can do this, this is neat but
// it is very counterintuitive since it read
// the files and find functions marked with
// proc macros
// register_all!(client => ["src/", "src/"]);
// start the bot!
// An event handler
async fn ready(data: ReadyData) {
"Logged in as {}#{}",
data.user.username, data.user.discriminator
// A message command
// you can also do `#[command(prefix = "new_prefix")]` to change
// the command prefix for this command to change
// the command prefix for this command
async fn echo(
/// information about the messgae
msg: Message,
/// some types can be parsed automatically
echo_what: String,
) {
// A slash command
#[slash(description = "Get a user's avatar")]
async fn avatar(
interaction: Interaction,
#[doc = "User to fetch avatar from"] user: Option<User>,
) {
let member = interaction.member.as_ref().unwrap();
let (username, avatar_url) = match user {
Some(user) => (
user.get_avatar_url(ImageFormat::WebP, None).unwrap(),
_ => (
member.get_avatar_url(ImageFormat::WebP, None).unwrap(),
// Creating an embed
let embed = EmbedBuilder::new()
.title(&format!("{username}'s avatar"))
.image(avatar_url, None, None)
interaction.reply(embed, false).await;
Read src/
for more examples.
I'll add detailed examples in examples folder later.
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
descord = { git = "", version = "0.1.10" }
tokio = { version = "1.39.2", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"] }