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Repository files navigation - starts the program

controller/ - the controller for the start menu (the first menu that comes up)
controller/ - the listener for
controller/ - the controller for the main game
controller/ - listener for the Mortgage button in the game
controller/ - deals with actions performed when the dice are rolled
controller/ - file filter that makes sure only XML files are shown

gui/ - deals with the popup when user clicks about
gui/ - the panel containing the game board
gui/ - deals with popups for community chest and chance
gui/ - the control panel 
gui/ - the main frame for when the game is being played
gui/ - the gui for the main menu
gui/ - the menu bar at the top of the main frame
gui/ - the dialog box that shows up when you click mortgage
gui/ - the dialog box that shows all the player properties
gui/ - the property panel on the right side of the main frame
gui/ - the settings menu gui that can be selected from the start menu
gui/ - responsible for when clicking mortgage and then selecting unmortgage
gui.ColorBoxes - JPGs that are responsible for the colors of the properties
gui.Dice - JPG images of the different sides of the dice
gui.Images - JPG images of different spaces around the board as well as the players

monopoly/ - the AI player
monopoly/ - the board of the monopoly game
monopoly/ - a card representing community chest or chance card
monopoly/ - a deck of the cards (community chest or chance)
monopoly/ - the dice, rolling and getting values
monopoly/ - the actual game, brings everything together
monopoly/ - an enumeration representing the state of the board
monopoly/ - a player palying the monopoly game
monopoly/ - an exception used to deal with when a player goes bankrupt

monopoly.tiles/ - information about the card type landed on (chance/community chest)
monopoly.tiles/ - deals with player landing on free parking
monopoly.tiles/ - deals with player landing on or passing go
monopoly.tiles/ - deals with the player landing on go to jail
monopoly.tiles/ - an interface that represents a space on the board
monopoly.tiles/ - implements ITile, has info about spaces that can be bought
monopoly.tiles/ - extends property, information on the railroads
monopoly.tiles/ - deals with a player landing on a tax tile
monopoly.tiles/ - enumeration that represents the type of ITile
monopoly.tiles/ - deals with a player landing on a utility space

monopoly.xml/ - can load and parse the XML files for the chance and community chest cards
monopoly.xml/ - can load and parse the XML files for the ITiles
monopoly.xml/ - deals with saving and loading the game
monopoly.xml/ - deals with saving the game and loading the game
monopoly.xml/ - works on elements and documents

test - a package containing test files for the files in the monopoly package
test.tiles - a package containing test files for the files in the monopoly.tiles package
test.xml - a package containing test files for the filse in the monopoly.xml package

Chance.xml - the xml file for the chance cards
CommunityChest.xml - the xml file for the community chest cards
Original-Tiles.xml - the xml file for the original properties in the monopoly game
Tiles.xml - the xml file for the properties in our reddit edition game

UserManual.pdf - the user manual
TechnicalManual.pdf - the technical manual
projectlog.txt - the project log
readme.txt - the readme file


CSCI 205 Final Project






No packages published
