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⚙ Animation library for building scenes from the game "Ace Attorney: Objection" based on text with a minimum dependencies


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A .Net library for creating scenes based on text from the Ace Attorney game. The library is also based on a website dedicated to creating these scenes, Objection.Lol. The library is based on its own animation engine for scene objects and can be extensible.

Animation based on FFMpeg and System.Drawing, but you can use your own animation library.

Don't forget about ⭐⭐⭐

Getting Started

| Assets and Presets Loader

AceObjectionEngine requires special presets to create animated scenes. Such presets are arranged in a special hierarchical order for Preset Loader, you can download them from the release package or automatically using Loader classes

Asset Loader loads assets from the Objection.Lol site, while Preset Loader loads the downloaded assets locally.

• Example Character Asset Loader:

CharacterLoader loader = new CharacterLoader(1);
var character = loader.Load();

After that, the asset will be converted as a preset and it can be loaded from the Preset Loader

• Example Character Preset Loader:

CharacterPreset preset = new CharacterPreset(1);
var character = preset.Load();

You can also create a non-id asset or preset loader to load all assets or presets. You will not be able to download a specific asset or preset with a specific id.

• Example Non-id Background Asset Loader:

BackgroundLoader loader = new BackgroundLoader();
var backgrounds = loader.LoadAll();

• Example Non-id Character Preset Loader:

CharacterPreset loader = new CharacterPreset();
var backgrounds = loader.LoadAll();

| Loaders settings

Standard Asset and Preset loaders store all files locally on the computer. To configure file storage, you can use the GlobalObjectionLoaderSettings static class

• Example configuration of assets loader:

//Configuring existing Settings
GlobalObjectionLoaderSettings.ConfigureAssets(config => config.Overwrite = false);

//or create new
GlobalObjectionLoaderSettings.ConfigureAssets(new AssetsSettings()
    AssetsFolder = "Assets",
    Overwrite = true

Asset Settings Parameters:

Name Description Default Value
AssetsFolder Search path for Json asset descriptions "Assets"
BubblesJsonFile The name of the Json file for the Bubble asset "bubbles"
CharactersJsonFile The name of the Json file for the Character asset "characters"
Overwrite When true overwrites existing presets true

• Example configuration of preset loader:

//Configuring existing Settings
GlobalObjectionLoaderSettings.ConfigurePresets(config =>
    config.PresetsFolder = "Presets"

//or create new
GlobalObjectionLoaderSettings.ConfigurePresets(new PresetsSettings()
    PresetsFolder = "PresetsFolder"

Preset Settings Parameters:

Name Description Default Value
PresetsFolder The folder where the presets will be saved "AceObjectionLib"
StorageProvider Implementing a Path Management Manager LocalStorageProvider

| Audio Analyzer

You can install another audio analyzer to analyze the audio. By default, FFMpeg analysis (FFProbe) is used in the library. Such an analyzer has its disadvantages, since it must save files locally for their analysis.

❗ Note that when installing an audio analyzer, you need to pass the function of creating a new instance of the analyzer.

• Example of the install new audio analyzer:

AudioAnalyzer.SetAnalyzer(() => new ExampleAudioAnalyzer());

• Example of the getting audio analyzer:

IAudioAnalyzer analyzer = AudioAnalyzer.Analyzer;


Build simple scene

The ObjectionBuilder is used to build the animation. It's easy and simple to build scenes and add various objects there.

Creating a builder for building simple scene:

ObjectionBuilder builder = new ObjectionBuilder();
builder.CreateScene((scene) =>
    scene.AddCharacter(new CharacterPreset(2).LoadObject());
    scene.AddBackground(new BackgroundPreset(204).LoadObject()); //Cannot be changed in the future
    scene.AddAudio(new SoundPreset(13).LoadObject()); //Cannot be changed in the future

    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "Hello from AceObjectionEngine!"

    scene.AddCharacter(new CharacterPreset(5).LoadObject());
    //Add Dialogue box to New Character
    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "I'm very confused..."

    //Bubble after last Dialogue box
    scene.AddBubble(new BubblePresetLoader(1).LoadObject());

    scene.AddCharacter(new CharacterPreset(6).LoadObject());
    //Add two dialogue box to one character
    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "First Example Dialogue"
    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "Second Example Dialogue"

| Build Multiple scenes

You can create more scenes, for example to change the music in the background or background.

Each scene stores and will not be able to change

  • Background
  • Audio (Music)

Creating a builder for building multiple scenes:

ObjectionBuilder builder = new ObjectionBuilder();
builder.CreateScene((scene) =>
    scene.AddCharacter(new CharacterPreset(1).LoadObject());
    scene.AddBackground(new BackgroundPreset(103).LoadObject());
    scene.AddAudio(new SoundPreset(14).LoadObject());
    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "Text Dialogue!"
}).CreateScene((scene) =>
    scene.AddCharacter(new CharacterPreset(2).LoadObject());
    scene.AddBackground(new BackgroundPreset(103).LoadObject());
    scene.AddAudio(new SoundPreset(13).LoadObject());
    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "Example text"
    scene.AddCharacter(new CharacterPreset(5).LoadObject());
    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "Second example text"
    scene.AddBubble(new BubblePresetLoader(1).LoadObject());
.CreateScene((scene) =>
    scene.AddCharacter(new CharacterPreset(4).LoadObject());
    scene.AddBackground(new BackgroundPreset(103).LoadObject());
    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "Some text"

| Objection helper classes

You can use static classes of ObjectionCharacters, ObjectionBackgrounds, ObjectionMusic and ObjectionBubbles for easy loading of presets.

builder.CreateScene((scene) =>

    scene.AddDialogue(new ChatBoxSettings()
        Text = "Text Dialogue!"

| Customizable functions

When you adding any objects, you can configure the properties by changing the object parameters or setting values for any properties using configuration methods. You can create objects from scratch or modify ready-made objects using helper functions.

builder.CreateScene((scene) =>
    //Modify character with settings
    scene.AddCharacter(ObjectionCharacters.PhoenixWrightDefense.WithSettings(new CharacterSettings()
        Name = "Test Character",
        NamePlate = "Tester",
        Sex = AceObjectionEngine.Engine.Enums.BlipSexType.Female
    //Create new background
    scene.AddBackground(new Background(new BackgroundSettings()
        Name = "Test Background",
        ImagePath = "Path/To/Background"
    //Change only pose of adding character

| Animator and animation

When you have built your scene, you need to call the Build<T> method where T is the type of animator that was set by default.

❗ Note that animators implement the IDisposable interface, so don't forget to use the using keyword or the Dispose method.

using var animator = builder.Build<ObjectionAnimator>();

Congratulations! The animation is ready and has been saved as a file.


| Objection Objects

You can create your own objects to draw them on animation. Just inherit your class from the interface IObjectionObject.

public class CustomObjectionObjectExample : IObjectionObject
    public int Id { get; }
    public ISpriteSource Sprite { get; }
    public IAudioSource AudioSource { get; }
    //The length reader of this component is used to calculate the sum of the entire animation
    public TimeSpan DurationCounter => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4);
    public void Dispose()
        //Dispose object
    public void EndAnimation()
        //Called when component end animation
    public Task EndAnimationAsync()
    public void StartAnimation()
        //Called when component start new animation
    public Task StartAnimationAsync()

| Branches in Rendering

You can also create branches in the rendering for any components. For example, such branches are used to animate the poses of characters. You can create your own branches for your components or add them to existing ones.

public class RenderBranchExample : IRenderBranch
    public ISpriteSource State { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan Delay { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan Duration => //Set duration of this branch;
    public RenderActionConsequence Action(AnimationRenderContext sourceContext, ICollection<IAnimationObject> parallelObjects)
        //Do things with this branch and return information about this branch to the main render

As a result of the branch, you must return the data to the main rander: which objects should not be rendered, since this branch has already rendered them and what animation to render in the render.

Inheritance and Extension

If you want to use your own library to analyze audio, build frames, or render, you can extend the classes of AceObjectionEngine. You can also fork the repository and make your own changes, thus replacing FFMpeg with another library.

| Implementation of layer-by-layer rendering

By default, the library uses FFMpegFrameRender to render objects in the frame. You can implement your rendering system in two ways: by inheriting from FrameRenderFactory (it already contains an implementation of parallel rendering and helper methods) or inheriting from IFrameRenderer<T>, where T is IAnimatorHierarchy (not recommended).

public class FrameRenderImplementationExample : FrameRenderFactory
        public override IAudioMixer CreateAudioMixer(TimeSpan timeLine)
            //Creating Audio Mixer for Rendering
            return new ExampleAudioMixer(timeLine);

        public override Task RenderAllAsync()
            //The end point of the render, collects all the frames into a single video

        public override Task<IAudioSource> RenderAudioTickAsync(IAudioSource sprite, TimeSpan delay)
            //Processing of single audio elements

        public override Task<IAudioSource> RenderLayerAudioAsync(AnimationRenderContext audioSource)
            //Processing of elements with an audio component

        public override Task<ISpriteSource> RenderLayerSpriteAsync(ISpriteSource sprite)
            //Some actions with sprite

To install your layer renderer, pass it to the settings of ObjectionBuilder

ObjectionBuilder builder = new ObjectionBuilder(new ObjectionSettings()
    FrameRenderer = new FrameRenderImplementationExample()

| Audio Analyzer Inheritance

The library has a customizable audio analyzer. FFMpeg analyzer (Probe) is used by default, but you can implement your own with abstract class AudioAnalyzer (Recommended) or with interface IAudioAnalyzer.

❗ Note that the properties of the AudioAnalysisResult class can only be initialized once

• Example of the implementation of a new audio analyzer:

public class ExampleAudioAnalyzer : AudioAnalyzer
        protected override AudioAnalysisResult AnalyzeInner(string filePath) 
            var mediaAnalyze = // some analyze
            var result = new AudioAnalysisResult();
            result.BitRate = mediaAnalyze.BitRate;
            result.Codec = mediaAnalyze.Codec;
            result.Format = mediaAnalyze.Format;
            result.Duration = mediaAnalyze.Duration;

            return result;

| Sprite Implementation

By default, the library uses the Sprite and GifSprite class, which is based on the built-in System.Drawings. If you like, you can implement your own drawing library by inheriting the interface ISpriteSource.

❗ But all sprites depend on Bitmap class

public class SpriteImplementationExample : ISpriteSource
        public string Format { get; }

        public TimeSpan Duration { get; }

        public TimeSpan Delay { get; set; }

        public bool IsAnimated { get; }

        public int Height { get; }

        public int Width { get; }

        public Bitmap RawBitmap { get; }

        public ISpriteSource[] AnimateFrames()
            //Some Animation

        public object Clone()
            //Clone Object

        public void Dispose()
            //Dispose Object

        public ISpriteSource MergeSprite(ISpriteSource other)
            //Merge with another sprite

| Audio Implementation

By default, the library uses AudioSource class, which is based on FFMpeg. IAudioSource itself implements working with audio and has a full path to the source. You can implement your AudioSource using the interface IAudioSource

❗ The standard method of working with audio involves the use of a temporary folder into which intermediate processed audio is loaded.

public sealed class AudioSourceImplementationExample : IAudioSource
        public TimeSpan Offset { get; }

        public string FilePath { get; }

        public Stream Stream { get; }

        public string Codec { get; }

        public long BitRate { get; }

        public string Format { get; }

        public bool IsFixate { get; set; }

        public TimeSpan Duration { get; }

        public object Clone()
            //Clone Media Object

        public void Dispose()

        public IAudioSource Merge(IAudioSource another)
            //Merge with another Audio Source

        public IAudioSource Mix(IEnumerable<IAudioSource> audioSources)
            //Mix With Audio Sources

        public void Save(string path)
            //Save Audio Source

        public IAudioSource Series(int loopTime)
            //Loop Audio Source

        public IAudioSource SetDuration(TimeSpan duration)
            //Setting duration of audio source

| Media Maker Implementation

Library components initialize audio and sprites through a class MediaMaker. In order not to rewrite the components, you can rewrite your media maker and set it. Makers are also used in rendering.

• Example of the audio maker:

//Audio Maker
public sealed class ExampleAudioSourceMaker : IMediaMaker<IAudioSource>
    public IAudioSource Make(string filePath) => new ExampleAudioSource(filePath);
    //Make Audio with Arguments
    public IAudioSource Make(string filePath, params object[] args) 
        => new ExampleAudioSource(filePath, args[0]);

• Example of the sprite maker:

//Audio Maker
public sealed class ExampleSpriteMaker : IMediaMaker<ISpriteSource>
    public ISpriteSource Make(string filePath) => new SpriteImplementationExample(filePath);

    public ISpriteSource Make(string filePath, params object[] args) => new SpriteImplementationExample(filePath, args[0]);

In order to install your creator, you need to use the method SetSpriteMaker and SetAudioSourceMaker and install the creation function of maker.

• Example of the set sprite maker:

MediaMaker.SetSpriteMaker(() => new ExampleSpriteMaker());

• Example of the set audio source maker:

MediaMaker.SetAudioSourceMaker(() => new ExampleAudioSourceMaker());

| Audio Mixer Implementation

Audio mixers serve as the main mixing track of IAudioSource for a particular scene. If you are going to rewrite the rendering class, then you will have to use your own mixer or you can use the standard one FFMpegAudioMixer.

public class ExampleAudioMixer : AudioMixer
        public ExampleAudioMixer(TimeSpan timeLine) : base(timeLine)

        public override object Clone()
            //Clone Object

        public override IAudioSource Create()
            //Create Audio Source from Audio Mixer

        public override void CreateTimeLine()
            //Create Time Line on Audio Mixer

        public override void Merge(ref IAudioSource audioSource)
            //Merge with Audio Source (Not mix, just append audio to Audio Mixer)

        public override void Mix(ref IAudioSource audioSource)
            //Mixing with Audio Source

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Copyright © 2022

Released under MIT license


⚙ Animation library for building scenes from the game "Ace Attorney: Objection" based on text with a minimum dependencies








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