- What we aim to do here
Linear transfors are one of the core concepts in linear algebra. A large number of concepts in linear algebra can be understood with a great understanding of the linear transforms. Through this project, we aim to create a tool that would help in the visualization of linear algebra concepts through linear transformations in the 2D coordinate plane.
- Project design
We aim to design a 2D cartesian plane with the help of pygame library. Features that we aim to give:
- Creating a 2D plane :
- The above shown picture is a model of the 2D plane that we aim to implement
- Critical features to be added
- Basic coordinate plane with number markings and stuff
- Getting back the coordinate in cartesian system and the vice versa.
- Need to able to move the plane with keys and the number markings should change appropriately
- To be able to zoom into the plane
- Also the plane should be able to move properly
- Add the linear transform change to the plane (blue lines)
- Creating an interactive interface using tkinter : 1.Making two frames :To enter two vectors for transformation 2.Creating two buttons:Run simulation and calculating transformed vector.
- Adding linear algebra features to the tool
- Once the linear tranformation part is clearly done and visualized the next step is to add some linear algebra functionalities
- Solving a linear equation : The solution to a linear equation AX = b is the coordinate of the point that would eventually reach b after the transform A
- Matrix multiplications and its applications : Matrix multiplication AXB is applying a transformation on the A on the standard plane and applying B on the new transformed plane.
- Null Space of a matrix : The vectors that go into 0 vector after the transformation A.
- Eigenvectors : These vectors would only get streched by a certain amount on applying the transformation, so we have to highlight the vectors that would only get streched
- Finding the determinant : change in area after transformation.
- PHASE 1 : Designing the 2D plane:
Desired Properties:
- Need to be extremely generalized and be open for expansion
- Should be able to apply the linear algebra operations on the plane easily
Ideas/Algorithms for design:
- Designing a mathematically accurate 2D plane with various features :
Ideas to add Linear algebra functionalities