Master Thesis Project Code, Cooperation of TU Berlin and NTNU
View the doc at:
⚠️ TBD - Work in Progress: Documentation via Sphinx hosted on Github Pages aswell as
- Installation of Sphinx 4.4.0 over
- Add one for typehinting:
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
- TBD: Installation of OpenAI Gym, stable-baseline3, PyTorch (..)
Update rst and html files, if no module is added, skip first command, otherwise add new modules to index.rst after first command.
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docsrc/source gym_dockauv EXCLUDE_PATTERN /*tests*
cd docsrc/
make clean
make html
If u want to update the html files and make them available on github:
make github
I provided some unittests, since I wanted to make sure in a structured manner, that my modules are working as expected. Since as many things in this world, I did not have unlimited time in my Master Thesis, I did not achieve a 100% test coverage and test driven development. However, it should function as an inspiration for further development and always make sure the basics of the program works.
This is also good possibility to test, if all the packages and requirements are met in your environment. Here is the command to execute all tests. Make sure to be at the root of this repository.
python -m unittest discover -v -s gym_dockauv/tests
# To run a individual test do e.g.:
python -m unittest -v gym_dockauv.tests.test_integration
Chosen matplotlib backend:
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
... for Gym and stable baseline3 Version 1.5.0:
pip install -U gym
pip install stable-baselines3
Other possibilities:
pip install tuna
python3 -m cProfile -o gym_dockauv\
# On linux
Cheers, Erik :)