Socium Live Demo
Platform for registration of public attitudes (surveys, polls and referendums).
Your Web application should use the following technologies, frameworks and development techniques:
Use ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio 2015 +
You should use Razor template engine for generating the UI +
- Use sections and partial views +
- Use editor and/or display templates +
Use MS SQL Server as database back-end +
- Use Entity Framework 6 to access your database +
- Using repositories and/or service layer is a must +
Use at least 2 areas in your project (e.g. for administration) +
Create tables with data with server-side paging and sorting for every model entity +
Create beautiful and responsive UI +
Use the standard ASP.NET Identity System for managing users and roles +
- Your registered users should have at least one of the two roles: user and administrator +
Use AJAX form and/or SignalR communication in some parts of your application +
Use caching of data where it makes sense (e.g. starting page) +
Apply error handling and data validation to avoid crashes when invalid data is entered (both client-side and server-side)+
Prevent yourself from security holes (XSS, XSRF, Parameter Tampering, etc.) +
- Handle correctly the special HTML characters and tags like
,<br />
, etc. +
- Handle correctly the special HTML characters and tags like
Create unit tests for your "business" functionality following the best practices for writing unit tests (at least 80% code coverage) - ~30% of the points for the project (IF YOU HAVE UNDER 50% CODE COVERAGE YOU WILL NOT PASS THE EXAM)+
Use Dependency Inversion principle and Dependency Injection technique following the best practices - ~20% of the points for the project +
Integrate your app with a Continuous Integration server (Jenkins, AppVeyor or other) - configure your unit tests to run on each commit to your master branch (MANDATORY REQUIREMENT) +
Use GitHub and take advantage of the branches for writing your features. +
Documentation of the project and project architecture (as
file, including screenshots)+