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RESTful API of the dictionary of the peoples of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic using pure Uncle Bob architecture and DDD principles


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RESTful API of the Dictionary of the Peoples of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Документация на русском

Technical Advantages of the Project:

  1. Clean Architecture: Robert Martin's (Uncle Bob's) Clean Architecture principles are employed, facilitating code maintenance and flexibility.

  2. Application of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Principles: Utilizing DDD principles helps identify key business entities and improves the modularity of the application.

  3. Use of Asynchronous Libraries and Frameworks: The project utilizes asynchronous libraries and frameworks, ensuring high performance and efficient resource utilization.

Installation (Linux)

1. Clone the Repository

git clone

2. Navigate to the kchr-dictionary-rest-api directory

cd kchr-dictionary-rest-api

3. Create a Virtual Environment

python3 -m venv .venv

4. Activate the Virtual Environment

source .venv/bin/activate

5. Install Dependencies

pip install -e .

You can also install code linting or testing tools by running the following command

pip install -e .[lint,testing]

6. Set Up Environment Variables

Only one environment variable is required for running: DATABASE_URI

By default, it is set to sqlite+aiosqlite:///assets/dictionary.db. If you want to set your own value, execute the following command


7. Run the Web API

1. Set permissions for the script

chmod +x scripts/

2. Run the script


3. Great!! The project was launched at http://localhost:8000


Run with docker

docker-compose up -d

The project was launched at http://localhost:8002

REST API Documentation

GET /items

Retrieve a list of dictionary items.

Description: This endpoint allows retrieving a list of dictionary items.

Request Parameters:

  • limit (optional): Number of items to display per page. Maximum value: 100. Default: 20.
  • offset (optional): Offset from the beginning of the list of items. Maximum value: 100. Default: 0.
  • language (optional): Language in which to retrieve dictionary items. Possible values: "KAR", "CS", "RUSS". Default: null.

Example Request:

GET /items?limit=20&offset=0&language=KAR

Example Response:

  "data": [
      "id": 21,
      "original": "абитуриент",
      "translation": "абитуриент || абитуриентский",
      "original_language": "KAR",
      "translation_language": "RUSS"
      "id": 22,
      "original": "аблескин",
      "translation": "<em>текст. </em>аблескин <em>(род шёлковой ткани).</em>",
      "original_language": "KAR",
      "translation_language": "RUSS"
      "id": 23,
      "original": "аблёскюн",
      "translation": "<em>то же, что </em><strong>аблескин</strong>",
      "original_language": "KAR",
      "translation_language": "RUSS"
    // Other dictionary items...

GET /translations

Search for translations for a given word/phrase.

Description: This endpoint allows searching for translations for a given word/phrase.

Request Parameters:

  • limit (optional): Number of items to display per page. Maximum value: 100. Default: 20.
  • offset (optional): Offset from the beginning of the list of items. Maximum value: 100. Default: 0.
  • original (required): Word or phrase for which to find translations.
  • original_language (required): Original language. Possible values: "KAR", "CS", "RUSS".
  • translation_language (required): Translation language. Possible values: "KAR", "CS", "RUSS".

Example Request:

GET /translations?limit=20&offset=0&original=привет&original_language=RUSS&translation_language=KAR

Example Response:

  "data": [
      "id": 42411,
      "original": "неприветливый",
      "translation": "-ая, -ое <strong>1. </strong><i>(неласковый, суровый) </i>хыны, гырхы, дюрген; ~ <strong>человек </strong>хыны адам; <strong>2. </strong><i>(мрачный) </i>къууатсыз, илешсиз, мугур.",
      "original_language": "RUSS",
      "translation_language": "KAR"
    // Other translations...


GET /health-check/

Health Check.

Description: This endpoint allows checking the state of the application.

Example Request:

GET /health-check/

Example Response:

  "status": "Ok"

You can also utilize the openapi specification


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).


If you encounter any issues with the project or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to report them by creating an issue in the GitHub repository. We welcome your feedback!

Pull Requests

We welcome community contributions! If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make changes and ensure they are properly tested.
  4. Propose a pull request (PR) to the dev branch of the original repository.
  5. Provide a detailed description of your changes in the PR description.

We appreciate your contribution!


If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback regarding this project, feel free to contact the author:

Stay connected!


RESTful API of the dictionary of the peoples of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic using pure Uncle Bob architecture and DDD principles







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