This program uses mongodb Database and set DB-name DB-root-user & DB-root-password as a ENV's in the docker-compose.yml
If you not use the ENV's for mongo (any security issues), You need to run mongo image and create new username & password and DB name Do it with the next commands It necessary to backend service that can connect to mongo container with specific credentials
docker exec -it mongo bash
use MyDB
db.createUser({ user: "Dani", pwd: "Dani3653", roles: [] })
In case you want to build custom mongodb image, Do it with entrypoint file Create mongo-init.js file and set the default values for the mongodb container In this example you set new DB with name "MyDB" and username and password.
db.createUser( { user: "Dani", pwd: "Dani3653", roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "MyDB" } ] } );
If you want to create custom mongodb contaner - use the next Dockerfile
FROM mongo:4.4.18
COPY ./mongo-init.js /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d