A literal HTTP status code mapper for BDD style testing
I wrote this module after finding that I needed to map human-readable text when using cucumber.js in my testing.
For example for this test:
When I make a request to /endpoint
Then it should return Unavailable For Legal Reasons
const { Then } = require('cucumber');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const HTTPStatus = require('literal-http-status');
When(/^I make a request to (\/.*)$/, function(endpoint, callback) {
this.response = /* Make a request to endpoint */
Then(/^it should return (.*)$/, function(status, callback) {
// status === 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons'
You no longer need to do any text wrangling when using cucumber.js. It also affords you the ability to write better gherkin files that don't use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE to denote HTTP Status code assertions.
Then it should return NOT_FOUND
Then it should return Not Found