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Fair Division with Minimal Sharing Algorithm written in Python Using CVXPY,NetworkX, NumPy (open source libraries).

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Distribution Algorithm

A web application for fairly dividing goods among people with different valuations.

The front-end allows each person to specify how much he/she values each of the goods. The data is then sent to the server. It runs an algorithm that computes an allocation of the goods among the people. The algorithm guarantees the following properties:

  1. Fairness: each agent receives goods with a value of at least 1/n of his/her valuation of all goods.

  2. Pareto Efficiency: there is no other allocation that is at least as good for all agents and better for at least one agent.

  3. Minimal sharing: subject to fairness and efficiency, the allocation minimizes the number of sharings of goods between two or more people. I.e., if there is a fair and efficient allocation with no sharing at all - it will be returned. Otherwise, if there is a fair and efficient allocation with only one sharing (one good is shared between two people) - it will be returned. And so on.

Server Installation

NOTE: in our development process we are using python 3.6.9

Since the root user is the most powerful, essentially a root user can do everything on the server, so we may want to limit access to it to improve security.You can create a new user and configure it to "act like" a root user but with certain limitations, and we will log in as this user from then on. It is highly recommended to do so, but if you choose not to follow this practice and simply want to login as the root user, continue the guide, otherwise see the guide.

Debug Server

First, we need to set a virtual environment and install the server dependencies.
Go into server/ folder. Run the following command and replace the parameter <password> with your user password.

./ build <password>

Go into server/ folder and run the following command.


Now that the server deployed using Flask and Flask-RESTful, access the default Server landing page to confirm that the software is running properly through this URL:

Production Server

It is highly recommended to run the Debug server, and check whether everything works before installing the Production Server .

Go into the server/ folder.
Run the following command and replace the <password> parameter with your user password and the <user> parameter with your ubuntu username .
(TIP: to find your ubuntu user name run the command whoami )

./deployServer <password> <user>

Now that the server deployed using Nginx and uWSGI,
access the default Server landing page to confirm that the software is running properly through your IP address: (TIP: to find your IP run the command ifconfig )


Our server is a generic production server that can be used by many algorithms. The server usage is simple, to deliver any content to the clients, place the content as described here:

  • HTML content - web/<any HTML format>.
  • CSS content - web/css/<any CSS format>.
  • DOM content (JavaScript files) - web/DOM/<any DOM format>.

restart the Nginx service, the server will send the content as expected.

Production Server Architecture


Server data format

our server recives the Algorithm input via <server URL>/calculator URL. (need to send a POST request with JSON as described here)

    "num_of_agents" : 4,
    "num_of_items" : 4 ,
    "problem" : "Proportional",
    "agents" : ["Netanel", "Daniel", "Holo","Matanel"],
    "items" : ["Miami Beach House", "Old Piano", "AirPods Pro"],
    "values" : [[12,63,25], [49,13,38], [39,15,47],[44,9,47]],
    "email" : "[email protected]"


  • num_of_agents - participants number.
  • num_of_items - the items that that will be divided.
  • problem - the algorithm [Proportional\EnvyFree] .
  • agents - participants names.
  • items - items names
  • values - return value / input values.
  • email : a valid email that the server will send the result to

For developers

The algorithm can be run without the server, e.g. for experiments. To do this, download the repository, and add the Distribution-Algorithm/server/ path to your Python include path. An example of a Python code for running the algorithm can be found here.

Algorithm Run Times.

this table represents the Algorithm times for each case Agents/Items please note that on 4 Agents the time may be a long time. in our client-side (website) on in each 4 Agent case, an email will be sent with the Algorithm results.


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