This section outlines the steps and approach I followed to integrate the Lit Protocol with the Sign Protocol SDK for gated access and encrypted attestations. The focus was on ensuring compatibility while enhancing functionality with Lit's encryption capabilities.
- Migration to TSC Builder
- Replaced the Rollups builder in the sp-sdk with the native TypeScript (TSC) builder.
- This change resolved compatibility issues between the sp-sdk and Lit Protocol SDK.
- The migration ensures smoother builds and aligns with the evolving requirements of the SDK ecosystem.
- Added additional arguments in options like gated, accessControlConditions in create, get and revoke attestations
- Currently, this feature is limited to on-chain attestations only, with plans for broader support in future iterations.
- When an attestation is marked as encrypted the base64 encrypted string and data hash are securely stored on-chain.
- These encrypted values can only be decrypted using the access conditions specified at the time of creation.
- The integration with Lit Protocol ensures robust encryption and access control, leveraging its advanced encryption capabilities.
import {
} from "@ethsign/sp-sdk"
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts"
const privateKey = "0xabc" // optional
const client = new SignProtocolClient(SpMode.OnChain, {
chain: EvmChains.sepolia,
account: privateKeyToAccount(privateKey), // optional
//create schema
const createSchemaRes = await client.createSchema({
name: "xxx",
data: [{ name: "name", type: "string" }],
// delegation create schema
const delegationPrivateKey = "0xaaaaa"
const info = await delegateSignSchema(
name: "xxx",
data: [{ name: "name", type: "string" }],
chain: EvmChains.sepolia,
delegationAccount: privateKeyToAccount(delegationPrivateKey),
const delegateCreateSchemaRes = await client.createSchema(info.schema, {
delegationSignature: info.delegationSignature,
// create attestation
const createAttestationRes = await client.createAttestation(
schemaId: "0x3",
data: { name: "a" },
indexingValue: "xxx",
gated: true, // Enable gated
accessControlConditions: [
contractAddress: "0xC5E9dDebb09Cd64DfaCab4011A0D5cEDaf7c9BDb",
standardContractType: "ProofOfHumanity",
chain: "ethereum",
method: "isRegistered",
parameters: [":userAddress"],
returnValueTest: {
comparator: "=",
value: "true",
], // specify access control conditions
//revoke attestation
const getAttestationRes = await client.getAttestation("0x3", {
gated: true,
}) // specify gated to decrypt attestation
Follow the steps below to clone the repository, set up the environment, and run the demo:
Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
Navigate to the Demo Directory
cd demo
Install Dependencies
npm i --save
Add a Private Key
Create a .env file in the demo directory.
Add a 32-seed private key in the .env file as follows:
Build the Project
npm run build
Start the Demo
npm start
- Developer Feedback: A detailed feedback can be found here
- Demo Video