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Daemon Forge edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the BasicMap wiki!

Server Settings [ServerSettings.json]

    "ConfigVersion": "1",
    "Icons": [ //A lit of icons that the players will have access to when setting the marker icons
    "AllowPlayerMarkers": 1,  // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will allow players to make marks on the map
    "Allow3dMarkers": 1,  // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will allow players to make 3d/HUD markers
    "ShowSelfOnMap": 1,  // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will show the players own position on the map
    "RequireMapItemInInventory": 0,  // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will require the player to have a map in their inventory to use a map
    "OnlyOnOpenAction": 0,   // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will only allow the map to be open by using the open action when the map is in the player's hand
    "RequirePenToMark": 0,   // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will require the player to have a pen to make marks on the map
    "SaveMarkersToMapItem": 0,  // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will have the markers save to the map object instead of in the client's settings
    "RequireCompassToSeeSelf": 0,  // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will require the player to have a compass to see where they are on the map
    "RequireCompassToSee3d": 0   // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled This will require the player to have a compass to see 3d markers

Server Markers Settings [ServerMarkers.json]

        "Name": "GREEN MOUNTAIN", //Marker name
        "Pos": [ 3703.5, 404.712, 5985.11 ], // Markers position X, Y, Z
        "Icon": "BasicMap\\gui\\images\\marker.paa", // File location for the markers
        "Is3DMarker": 1, // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled will allow players to see the marker in 3d/on their HUD
        "Colour": [ 212, 138, 251 ], // the markers Colour R, G, B
        "Alpha": 240, //This it the alpha (0-255) it is how transparent the marker is
        "HideOnPanel": 0,  // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled will hide the marker from the side panel
        "HideOnMap": 0, // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled If enabled will hide the marker on the map (AKA if Is3DMarker Enabled will be a 3d only marker)
        "MaxRenderDistance": -1.0, //-1 disableds/unlimited  this is the max distance at which you will see the marker on the HUD or Map aka player farther than this number the marker will be hidden
        "MinRenderDistance": 60 //-1 disableds/unlimited  this is the min distance at which you will see the marker on the HUD or Map aka player closer than this number the marker will be hidden
        "Name": "Weapon Trader",
        "Pos": [ 3708.71, 404.853, 5974.79 ],
        "Icon": "BasicMap\\gui\\images\\guns.paa",
        "Is3DMarker": 1,
        "Colour": [ 212, 138, 251 ],
        "Alpha": 240,
        "HideOnPanel": 0,
        "HideOnMap": 0,
        "MaxRenderDistance": 55,
        "MinRenderDistance": -1

Server Circle Markers(Optional Config) [ServerCircleMarkers.json]

    {  //See above ServerMarkers.json for other parts of this just see Radius, ShowCenterMarker, HideIntersects 
        "Name": "KUMYRNA SAMPLE",
	"Radius": 220,  // This is the Radius of the circle
	"ShowCenterMarker": 0, // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled if enabled this will show the center icon/name
	"HideIntersects": 1, // 1 Enabled/0 Disabled  if enabled will hide all the intercecting circle dots
        "Pos": [ 8345.6, 292.3, 5985.9 ],
        "Icon": "BasicMap\\gui\\images\\marker.paa",
        "Is3DMarker": 0,
        "Colour": [ 212, 138, 251 ],
        "Alpha": 180,
	"HideOnPanel": 0,
        "HideOnMap": 0,
        "MaxRenderDistance": -1.0,
        "MinRenderDistance": -1.0