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- Comment j'ai récupérer des milliers de comptes discord, code xbox & nitro gratuitements sans rien faire graçe à github.
- Why discord is trash.
- Don't download anything on internet
- Message to skid
- Reverse discord grabber (french)
- Javascript deobfuscator
- Python Anti-token grabber
- Javascript Anti-token grabber
- Golang Anti-token grabber
- Vichy
- MonkeySkid
- hoemotion
- Fweak
- bytixo
- Hideaki
- dreamy
- Toast
- Oxi
- post04
- Stanley-GF (not very trusted for me btw got real skill in programming)
Snowad14 "semiskid" 1line of credit btw all line of code are copy/pasted LMFAO
satyajit355 - Skidding my gen
LanLan69 - Skidding h0nde, my gen and also my solver ultra cringe dude
billythegoat356 - skid after resell open source shit, owner of skid community that cant even install python and more
TerrificTable - This disabled person is not able to write his own readme
PolarLofy - lol i have deleted somes of this skid grabber obfuscated with the ass on youtube, one day he as sent me nitro and suply to stop deleting this shit grabber LMFAO
- adzinoo - scamming token gen for 50 bucks sheesh
- CryonicsX - this kid selling my solver LMAO (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/943968212251467877/947079061757366282/unknown.png)
- ExordiumX
- TT-Tutorials - lol this kid resell my tools and skid github
- Anarchy skid list