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IoT-Agent JSON (Version for DZWI / TUD)


  • IoT Agent JSON customisation for automatic data collection as new data points are added
    • Used for recording simulation data in the DZWI-Project
  • Code of the original IoT agent accessible at
  • Added data type identification to the automatic creation of attributes
    • The function normally uses a default value as the data type for unknown attributes
    • The modification checks for data types and uses them instead of the default value.
    • The adjustment is implemented in the function guessType (in
      • New Version in ./lib/commonBindings.js
      • Extension of Function guessType:
        * @param {any}         value       The value of the attribute.
        if (value !== undefined) {
            if (typeof value === 'string') {
                return 'Text';
            } else if (typeof value === 'number') {
                return 'Number';
            } else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
                return 'Dict';
            } else {
                return constants.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
  • Creation of a Docker image with the original image ( realised
    • Docker image can be created using the enclosed Dockerfile
    • Versions implemented (Usable in the N5GEH):
      • 1.26.0
      • 3.2.0
    • Command to build the docker image:
      • docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} -t${VERSION} --push .

Usage & Configuration

  • It is used in the FIWARE stack of the N5GEH
    • Example of local implementation
  • Use of the IoT agent requires configuration via HTTP requests
    • Create service - to IoT-Agent (Read data from MQTT):
                  "apikey":           "dzwi-heat",
                  "type":             "dzwi_heat",
                  "cbroker":          "http://orion:1026",
                  "resource":         "/iot/json",
                  "explicitAttrs":    false,
                  "autoprovision":    true
    • Create Subscription - to Orion (send all data to database):
          "description": "subscription_all",
          "subject": {
              "entities": [
                  "idPattern": ".*",
                  "typePattern": ".*"
              "condition": {
                  "attrs": []
          "notification": {
              "http": {
                  "url": "http://quantumleap:8668/v2/notify"
              "attrs": [],
              "metadata": ["TimeInstant"],
              "onlyChangedAttrs": true
          "throttling": 0
  • An additional ENV variable ("IOTA_APPEND_MODE=true") is required for use with version 1.26.0


This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.



2020-2024, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Chair of Building Energy Systems and Heat Supply

Related projects

  • EnOB: DZWi - Digital twin of heat generation systems as a trailblazer for the development of low-emission building energy technology

  • EnOB: N5GEH-Serv - National 5G Energy Hub
    National 5G Energy Hub


We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), promotional reference 03EN1022A.