This JS web app can be easily configured or used as a boilerplate/starting point for basic viewers. It also demonstrates best practices for OO and classes in JS.
- Clone or download the repo
- Move to your web server
- configure the proper proxy page. Should work out of the box if using IIS.
- Edit the config.js file to include your services.
- Enjoy!
- Use the ConfigurableViewerJSAPI\js\viewer\config.js file to customize your own map layers and task url's.
- This is the begining of viewer, it in no way represents a complete solution and is intended for well verses JS developers as a starting point.
- This app demonstrates best practices of OO programing in dojo and JS, using modular design and classes.
- Growler
- Draw
- Geolocation
- Advanced Print
- Help
- Measure
- Directions
- 4/16/2013
- Added directions widget with map right-click menu.
- Added ability to configure included widgets (include, exclude, order, and settings).
- Optimized loading of classes (only load what is needed).
- Included identity manager.
- Updated to 3.4.
- 2/26/2013
- Added sidebar closing feature.
- Added measure dijit.
- 2/22/2013
- Added basemap dijit.
- Restyled the geolocation stats growl content.
- 2/21/2013
- Added default settings for print dijit.
- Better documented the config.js.
- 2/20/2013:
- Moved search to the header.
- Added the help dijit.
- Improved the legend rendering and added support for title from the config.