Releases: DSSAT/dssat-csm-os
Releases · DSSAT/dssat-csm-os
Full Changelog: v4.8.2.0...v4.8.5.0
Release notes
v4.8.5.0, 2024-12-01 (previous release v4.8.2.0, 2023-08-03)
New Tools
- XB2 - Replacement for XBuild for creating crop management files; developed in Java
- TSE - Time Series Estimator - Tool for estimating cultivar coefficients using time series observations
New Crop models
- Lentil - CROPGRO
- Bahia - PRFRM
- Bambara groundnut - CROPGRO
- Amaranth - CROPGRO
New Functionality
- FileA routine to read dates with 4-digit year.
- Output for estimated net CO2 to GHG.OUT file.
- Estimated net CO2 emissions output in summary.OUT.
- Added economic yield output in the Overview.OUT and Summary.OUT files.
- Multiple harvests are now output in MgmtEvent.OUT file.
- The Perennial Forage Model cannow be used for crop rotations.
- Update for Bahia grass using the PRFRM Model as the default crop module.
- New daily soil output SoilWater.OUT file for LL, DUL, SAT, and BD for all soil layers.
Plant model revisions
- Protections for division by zero.
- CERES-Wheat
- Improved output format.
- Updated read ecotype parameters format.
- Fixed divisions by zero caused by cultivar calibration.
- Fixed divisions by zero caused by cultivar calibration.
- CROPGRO-Cotton
- Added lint yield.
- CROPGRO-Strawberry
- Improved FreshWt.OUT outputs.
- Update Taro and CERES-Wheat cultivar file variable descriptions.
- New for dssat-csm-os developers.
- Updated soil NO3 and NH4 variables in DATA.CDE.
- General spelling improvements in *.CUL files.
- Added ASCE ET parameters to species files.
- Updated GHG starting condition for methane production.
- Updated Soil properties error checking for DUL, SAT, LL, SRGF and SSKS.
- Added MAXIMA, MINIMA and trait (P/G/N) for ecotype coefficients for CROPGRO crops.
- Added protection for SOILDYN Soil Organic Matter changes in DUL.
- CMake option to allow dynamic link.
- Include Gencalc rules and Gencalc About in the Data\Default directory
- Updated verbose output mode for SoilTemp.OUT.
- Added protections for Weather variables when NaN found in *.WTH file.
- Updated encoding issues of *.CDE files.
- Corrected spelling of Tannier to Tanier
Experimental Data
- Change the default soil evaporation method to Ritchie for most crops
- Added new example data files for climate change applications using data from Turkiye based on Gurkan et al. (2021): https://doi:10.1017/S0021859621000101
- Added a new experimental data file for soybean from Brazil provided by Moura da Silva et al. (2022):
What's Changed
- Update error messages for dates by @GerritHoogenboom in #106
- Plastic Mulch implementation by @MengZhang in #114
- Develop pm update by @MengZhang in #139
- fix max line length issue by @MengZhang in #141
- Release by @chporter in #223
- Release notes updated - final by @chporter in #227
- Update by @lpmorenoc in #225
- Updated until April 17 2022 by @fabiooliveira72 in #226
- v4.8 to develop branch by @chporter in #228
- Added N2O.csv output for CSM by @fabiooliveira72 in #230
- Missing tillage implement by @GerritHoogenboom in #237
- Update code only for Cucumber as a new crop; other minor corrections … by @GerritHoogenboom in #238
- HMET-Issue - Added code protections for extreme latitudes by @fabiooliveira72 in #239
- Updated GET arguments to avoid error warning message by @fabiooliveira72 in #240
- Check for missing input codes for tillage, fertilzer, residue and che… by @GerritHoogenboom in #241
- Add Guinea grass as a new crop by @GerritHoogenboom in #242
- Minor changes to build settings. by @kthorp in #243
- Update soybean genetic files for new cultivar by @GerritHoogenboom in #245
- Kingaroy data (genetics) and some other miscellaneous things by @chporter in #235
- Updating and build type for DEBUG as default by @fabiooliveira72 in #244
- Merged evapotranspiration parameters into species files. by @kthorp in #246
- Updated cabbage files for German experiment and error fix for cabbage… by @GerritHoogenboom in #251
- Simplified ozone equations for NWheat and removed FOZ2 and SFOZ2 by @fabiooliveira72 in #250
- fix for polar zone in SAMUCA by @Murilodsv in #249
- Stop model for undefined PET flag and update error checking for ASCE parameters. by @kthorp in #248
- Make ASCE ET robust for various weather file formats by @kthorp in #252
- v4.8.0.28 by @fabiooliveira72 in #253
- Remove static CMake install prefix for UNIX systems by @fabiooliveira72 in #256
- Updated to v4.8 by @fabiooliveira72 in #258
- Solved array bound mismatch for csvoutput SOMLITP.CSV by @fabiooliveira72 in #261
- SDATE issue that stops the model in batch fixed by @fabiooliveira72 in #260
- SAMUCA using HMET and outputs tidy up by @Murilodsv in #263
- fix point missing by @rojo1997 in #264
- Separated DSSAT-CSM-CROPSIM main file into multiple files by @thiagoferreira53 in #265
- Update GHG variables due to spacing misalignments by @GerritHoogenboom in #266
- Updated Version for CMakeLists.txt and CSMVersion by @fabiooliveira72 in #267
- Update CO2 concentration to current (November 18, 2022) by @GerritHoogenboom in #268
- Fix for dummy argument issue with Intel Ifort for CSCRP by @fabiooliveira72 in #269
- Crop status column, GHG summary variables, fertigation at depth, and more... by @chporter in #271
- CSM-CERES code split by @thiagoferreira53 in #270
- v4.8.1.3 Methane module, multiple fertilizers, compile warning reduction by @chporter in #273
- Added if statements to prevent negative NO3 and NH4 values in the PRFRM model by @thiagoferreira53 in #275
- Rollback of PineApple model to version v4.7.5.26 by @fabiooliveira72 in #277
- Minor - Updated if statement TRNU (Total N uptake in a day) by @thiagoferreira53 in #279
- Mostly minor things by @chporter in #281
- Multi-Harvest by @fabiooliveira72 in #283
- Added XMAGE input for ecotype files for crop that use Fresh Weight by @fabiooliveira72 in #286
- New Default directory under data for Simulation Control settings for … by @GerritHoogenboom in #287
- Update error message for pod/fruit harvest age in Ecotype file by @GerritHoogenboom in #288
- Update code for Guar, including genetics files. Update DATA.cde for U… by @GerritHoogenboom in #290
- Water table by @chporter in #282
- Batch files in Data directory by @chporter in #289
- Updates code for carinata as a new crop by @GerritHoogenboom in #297
- Cotton-N CRGRO SPE new coeffs and ST default method using TAVG by @fabiooliveira72 in #296
- Updated SMDFR protection condition for CROPGRO crops in NUPTAK by @fabiooliveira72 in #298
- Strawberry and Multi-Harvest updates by @fabiooliveira72 in #295
- Removed WORK.OUT output; Removed CSCER_CSCRP_CSCAS folder by @thiagoferreira53 in #274
- Added AutoMOW & SmartMOW code to PRFRM by @thiagoferreira53 in #291
- Updated sunflower genetics as per Ken Boote by @GerritHoogenboom in #300
- Added Nitrogen calculations for Sugarcane SCCAN048 by @fabiooliveira72 in #294
- Quinoa and Sugarbeet update for genotype files by @fabiooliveira72 in #303
- Solved CERES-Maize issue with germination and emergence failure by @thiagoferreira53 in #301
- Updated genetype files for Chickpea by @GerritHoogenboom in #304
- Updated genotype files for Safflower by @GerritHoogenboom in #305
- Updated genotype files for Peanut by @GerritHoogenboom in #306
- Updated genotype files for Cotton by @GerritHoogenboom in #307
- Updated genotype files for canola by @GerritHoogenboom in #308
- Updated genotype files for Fababean by @GerritHoogenboom in #309
- Updated genotype files for Greenbean by @GerritHoogenboom in #310
- Updated genotype files for Pigeonpea by @GerritHoogenboom in #311
- Updated genotype files for Drybean by @GerritHoogenboom in #312
- Updated genotype files for Velvetbean by @GerritHoogenboom in #313
- Updated genotype files for Cowpea by @GerritHoogenboom in #314
- Updated genotype files for Soybean by @GerritHoogenboom in #315
- Updated genotype files for Chia by @GerritHoogenboom in #316
- Updated genotype files for Alfalfa by @GerritHoogenboom in #317
- Updates for Sugarcane CANEGRO by @fabiooliveira72 in #319
- Calibration with new soil temperature for cassava cultivars by @lpmorenoc in #299
- Updated argument list call for SC_OPNIT in SC_NITRO by @fabiooliveira72 in #320
- Updated genetics files for vegetables and XMAGE fix by @GerritHoogenboom in #321
- Updated soybean cultivar file for missing cultivar from Brazil by @GerritHoogenboom in #323
- v4.8.1.22 by @chporter in #322
- Updated CERES cultivar coefficients & Added zero division protection in CERES-Teff by @thiagoferreira53 in #318
- Updating DSSATPRO.L48 for MacOS and Linux by @fabiooliveira72 in #324
- Updated comments in SCCAN048.SPE to avoid issues when reading the file by @fabiooliveira72 in #325
- Updated CDE data files by @GerritHoogenboom in
What's Changed
- Adding cassava changes and correcting an error in the estimation of SWXM by @lpmorenoc in #1
- Flex fertilizer by @chporter in #3
- Adding missing Visual Studio Code tasks by @wpavan in #4
- Fixed extra comma at the line end for CSV by @vshelia in #11
- Backport StandardData from develop branch by @frostbytten in #12
- Updating an important link to the DSSAT paper by @david-clifford in #18
- Solving bug for MANIHOT and CROPSIM models by @lpmorenoc in #21
- Incorporation of the SAMUCA model into DSSAT by @Murilodsv in #10
- Fixed issue on LAIDOT Variable for CERES-Maize by @thiagoferreira53 in #23
- Coupling Points for CSM-Nwheat Model by @thiagoferreira53 in #22
- Develop ozone by @jguarin4 in #24
- Update for quinoa; correct OPHEAD.for and OPHARV.for to show outputs … by @GerritHoogenboom in #34
- Update DSSATPRO for quinoa by @GerritHoogenboom in #35
- Update FreshWt routine and add Bell Pepper by @GerritHoogenboom in #36
- Minor error check correction in main routine for 0 divide by @GerritHoogenboom in #37
- Added a cross-compiler inquire argument for SAMUCA model by @fabiooliveira72 in #39
- Miscellaneous minor things by @chporter in #40
- Y4K DOY - Fixed cross-over year for the CSM by @fabiooliveira72 in #38
- Updated variables in Weather.CDE by @GerritHoogenboom in #42
- Include flood and mulch evaporation with soil evap in Summary.OUT by @chporter in #43
- Fixed Y2K/Y4K weather file unit issue by @fabiooliveira72 in #44
- Added error checking for sorghum ecotype file. Some update in main fi… by @GerritHoogenboom in #45
- Fixed path issue for MOWFILE by @fabiooliveira72 in #46
- Copyright and institutional affiliation update by @GerritHoogenboom in #47
- ETPHOT - First part of code protections for divisions by zero and negative values by @fabiooliveira72 in #48
- ETPHOT protections by @GerritHoogenboom in #49
- CSYCA - WORKS.OUT removed from YCA model by @fabiooliveira72 in #50
- READS.out removed from Crop System Models output list. by @fabiooliveira72 in #51
- Update to Version READS.out and WORKS.out by @GerritHoogenboom in #52
- FIxed AutMOW LUNIO conflict and minor changes by @fabiooliveira72 in #53
- Update plant population for flexible input format by @GerritHoogenboom in #54
- In-season yield forecast mode: RNMODE='Y' by @chporter in #55
- Forecast mode bug fixes by @chporter in #58
- ALOHA updates by @chporter in #61
- ETPHOT - Second part of ET code protections for divisions by zero or negative values by @fabiooliveira72 in #62
- v4.7.5.28 branding by @chporter in #63
- Bug-fix for forecast mode with long weather files by @chporter in #64
- forecast mode changes by @chporter in #67
- Several minor mods by @chporter in #70
- v4.7.5.33 w/ ASCE ET routines by @chporter in #73
- ASCE dual KC method brought into open-source version by @kthorp in #31
- Forecast update by @chporter in #74
- Add chia genetics files by @GerritHoogenboom in #75
- Chia by @GerritHoogenboom in #76
- Update chia and quinoa pest files by @GerritHoogenboom in #77
- Snow fix for CERES-Wheat and Barley; fix for sugarbeet output; new su… by @GerritHoogenboom in #78
- Add and update definitions; remove Source Column by @GerritHoogenboom in #79
- v4.7.5.35 by @chporter in #81
- Minor corrections in CERES models for output and version control by @GerritHoogenboom in #82
- Fix freshweight output for sweetcorn by @GerritHoogenboom in #83
- Update cassava model (MANIHOT) by @lpmorenoc in #84
- Update DATA.CDE and format of fresh weight outputs by @lpmorenoc in #85
- Added protection for divisions by zero for VOLOX and VOLSW by @fabiooliveira72 in #86
- Minor changes for CSYCA compatibility with MinGW compiler by @fabiooliveira72 in #87
- Update genotype files with Minima and Maxima for Glue by @GerritHoogenboom in #89
- Update canopy weight for CSYCA by @lpmorenoc in #88
- Edits to commenting and order of short and tall crop parameter reads. by @kthorp in #80
- Update the .CUL files for GLUE modifications (rice, maize, and soybean) by @YujingGao in #59
- Updated treatment number at MAKEFW subroutine v4.8 by @fabiooliveira72 in #91
- Updated read for treatment number at MAKEFW by @fabiooliveira72 in #90
- Updata for new crops: pea, strawberry, perennial peanut by @GerritHoogenboom in #92
- formatting G files UPPERCASE by @Murilodsv in #93
- Remove SQ code by @GerritHoogenboom in #96
- Remove sequence from Detail.cde file by @GerritHoogenboom in #99
- Updated MODEL.ERR message for IPPLNT error key 10 by @fabiooliveira72 in #98
- Format G files for v4.8 by @Murilodsv in #95
- Avoid multiple headers in the evaluate.out file for CROPSIM based models by @lpmorenoc in #100
- Added XLAT, XLONG and ELEV variable output in Summary.OUT by @fabiooliveira72 in #97
- New variables for summary .out and .csv, and update for DSSATPRO for Linux/MacOS systems by @fabiooliveira72 in #101
- No harvest at maturity for cassava by @lpmorenoc in #102
- Update MOWFILE to handle paths with spaces by @fabiooliveira72 in #104
- Update error messages for dates by @GerritHoogenboom in #107
- Added more space between Evaluate.OUT variables because of GLUE error by @fabiooliveira72 in #108
- Solving issue with a floating error when running cassava with N by @lpmorenoc in #105
- Updating Evaluate.OUT for CSCER because of GLUE error when read occurs by @fabiooliveira72 in #109
- Include petiole weight in leaf weight output CSYCA by @lpmorenoc in #110
- Update summary and cde files by @GerritHoogenboom in #111
- Update files for Glue functionality by @GerritHoogenboom in #113
- Csm48 by @GerritHoogenboom in #115
- Add more space for HWAD and FHWAD in Evaluate.out and FreshWt.out in CSYCA by @lpmorenoc in #112
- Csm48 by @GerritHoogenboom in #116
- Remove Bermuda genotype files based on CROPGRO; update CDE files by @GerritHoogenboom in #117
- Remove new crops by @GerritHoogenboom in #118
- Update PPGRO048.ECO to avoid issues with sensitivity tool by @lpmorenoc in #120
- Updata cotton and wheat genetics for crop rotation experiment for Texas. by @GerritHoogenboom in #121
- Updated CSCRP and CSCER to generate OVERVIEW.OUT file on capital letters and avoid issues on case sensitive OS by @thiagoferreira53 in #119
- Align variety names in sugarcane by @lpmorenoc in #122
- M...