Begin by installing Quarto.
Texts can be authored in Quarto using JupyterLab or classic Jupyter Notebook. To start a new document, open Jupyter and create a new notebook file.
To set up the document, create a new Raw NBConvert cell. This will be used to set document-level YAML options. The Data 100 lecture notes are generated using the following YAML settings:
title: "Name of the Lecture"
echo: true
code-fold: true
code-tools: true
toc: true
toc-title: Name of the Lecture
page-layout: full
theme: [cosmo, cerulean]
callout-icon: false
jupyter: python3
Now, the notebook is ready for writing content. Quarto supports all the functionality of a standard ipynb file – code cells, markdown, and LaTeX. To begin writing lecture notes, it's a good idea to first set out the main headings of the document. These typically correspond to the title slides of each lecture (example) and are written with the Markdown second headng level (##
). Quarto will auto-populate the table of contents as these headings are created.
To view the Quarto file, open a terminal window (either within Jupyter or through your machine's terminal) and navigate to the notebook's directory. Running the command quarto preview notebook.ipynb
will render the document and open it in a new web browser tab.
With the preview activated, the rendered view will update every time a change is saved in the notebook. When editing the document, it's helpful to have side-by-side views of the notebook and preview so you can watch changes in real-time.
After you've installed quarto, go into your terminal on your local device and type
git clone
If you're unable to clone the repo, please contact the head/infra TAs to make sure you have read/write access to this repository.
This section will ensure that you have all the necessary packages to render the website. We recommend using Conda (download here) to keep track of your environment.
Run the following in your terminal within the main directory:
conda create --name data100quarto
conda activate data100quarto
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # will take a while
ipython kernel install --user
If you get an error: externally-managed-environment
on the third line, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages
Remember to always activate the right environment before running anything with conda activate data100quarto
This website uses Quarto to render pages and is organized based on the Quarto API. Here are some important files:
is a markdown file that contains the text to be displayed on the landing page for the course notes website. You should update this text to reflect the current semester._quarto.yml
is a YAML file that specifies which notes should be visible to students. For Sp24, the entire Fa23 course notes (repo, website) was made available to students at the start of the semester, and notes for Sp24 were updated a few hours before/after lecture to give course staff sufficient time to edit the note. To edit which notes are visible to students,- Under
, comment out any note that should not be visible to
should always be visible. - The
line specifies what downloadable export formats for the course notes should be allowed. While it’s possible to set this up such that Quarto creates a downloadable pdf of all notes, pdf conversion often errors because Quarto can only parse a limited amount of text into an output file. It’s recommended to leave this line commented out to avoid this issue.
- Under
- Each subpage has it's own folder and
(quarto) file.
Always git pull
before making any new changes.
To edit a note, navigate to the directory for the corresponding lecture in your terminal. Most directories contain four items:
- a folder for the
used in the note - a folder for the
used in the note - a folder generated by Quarto when rendering the note. This folder is hidden from github.
- a
(Quarto markdown) file containing the note text.
Some directories may not contain every component (eg some lectures don’t use any dataset files).
Notes are edited by converting the .qmd
file to an .ipynb
. In your terminal, run quarto convert path/to/note_name.qmd
to generate an editable .ipynb
file (the .qmd
files are also editable, but it is often harder to format things). This will create a Jupyter notebook named note_name.ipynb
. Open the notebook to begin editing.
Quarto converted notebooks work just like a typical Jupyter notebook. Markdown cells are used to write narrative text, while code cells are used to run example code. To preview how your changes will render, run quarto preview path/to/note_name.ipynb
in your terminal. This will open the HTML output of the notebook in a new browser tab. The preview will update every time you save the notebook, so it’s often helpful to have this tab open side-by-side with the notebook.
A pdf view of how this notebook renders in Quarto can be found here.
The code-fold: true
option in the YAML set-up will automatically collapse all code cells in the rendered document. If a particular code cell should be uncollapsed by default (e.g. to explicitly show a pandas
example), a cell-specific YAML option can be specified:
#| code-fold: false
print("this code is now visible")
Inserting images in a Quarto document is similar to the standard Markdown syntax. The difference is that Quarto will insert figure captions automatically. The syntax below will insert an image with an accompanying description.
Each lecture note should start with a brief list of intended student learning outcomes. These are formatted as collapsable call-out cells, which can be created in a Markdown cell using the syntax below.
::: {.callout-note collapse="true"}
## Learning Outcomes
* Gain familiarity with Quarto
* Create your first Quarto document
* Write A+ Data 100 lecture notes
To see how your ipynb renders as an HTML file, run quarto preview path/to/note_name.ipynb
. This will open a website view of your note in the browser.
Once you're satisfied with your changes, revert the .ipynb
file to a .qmd
by running quarto convert path/to/note_name.ipynb
. Then, delete the .ipynb
and .html
files so that only the .qmd
file remains in the folder. From here, push your changes to github.
These steps should only be taken when the note is finalized. When a note is in the development stage, just push the changes to the .qmd
file and do not render the note.
Navigate to the main folder and run conda activate data100quarto
To render the whole website, run quarto render
. This process might take a while if you have many notes. Check that the docs/search.json
file exists. In the Fa23 and Sp24 semesters, running quarto render
would delete this file, making it so that students cannot search the textbook. If this happens, run quarto preview
and individually click into each course note to populate the search.json
If you only made edits to one note, you can skip the (sometimes long) process of rendering the whole website and just do the following:
quarto render path/to/note.qmd
Once you're satisfied and thoroughly tested your changes, you can push your edits onto Github. There are two ways to do this:
- Command Line. Navigate to the main
folder if you haven't already and make sure you're in the right environment.
git add . # this makes sure git tracks any new files created
git commit -m <your message here> # please commit with an informative message
git push # push your changes to github
- Github Desktop (download). This is the GUI version of the command line.
- Choose the files you want to commit on the left hand menu. By default, github will select all changes/new files.
- Write an informative comment on the bottom left hand corner and click "commit to main" once finished
- Push your changes using the button on the top right.
Editing a note:
- Convert the
file to an.ipynb
:quarto convert path/to/note.qmd
- Make edits on the
file - Preview notebook:
quarto preview path/to/note.ipynb
- Convert to
for rendering:quarto convert note_name.ipynb
(must cancelquarto preview
first) - Delete the
Rendering a Note:
- Update
with the new note to be added - Render HTML docs:
quarto render
(must cancel quarto preview first)
- check that the
file was generated. If not,quarto preview
and click into every note.
General commands/notes:
jupyter lab # local jupyter setup
:quarto convert notebook.ipynb
orquarto convert notebook.qmd
quarto render
: renders HTML todocs
. Noteqmd
has to exist for rendering- Edit
to include note in sidebar/table of contents - Quick local development:
- TODO: how to quickly render just one notes directory and not all notes?
- Publish notes to GitHub pages:
quarto render
everythinggit add
,git commit
,git push
- Can view website compilation on GitHub (look for yellow-to-green button next to commit number)
- Common errors:
Illegal instruction: 4 ...
close jupyter lab