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Isisnet2socet Tutorial

Tyler Thatcher edited this page Jun 13, 2018 · 12 revisions

The steps to use the Socetnet2isis script are:

  1. Clone the GitHub repo for plio (
  2. Run the command 'python install' while in your local directory for plio
  3. Run the command 'socetnet2isis cnet_file e_radius p_radius cub_path cub_extension cub_list out_gpf'
  4. This will produce a gpf file and N amount of ipf files where N is the number of cub files

Required Arguments

  • cnet_file: Path to an isis control network.
  • e_radius: The eccentricity of a given body target.
  • p_radius: The semiminor radius of a given target.
  • cub_path: Path to the cub files associated with a control network.
  • cub_extension: Extension for all cubes.
  • cub_list: Path to a list file of all cubes being used.
  • out_gpf: Path to save location of gpf file and new ipf files.

Optional Arguments

  • adjusted: Flag for saving apriori values or adjusted values.

Example call

socetnet2isis 1.524 1.31 /home/cubs/ .mars.cub cub_list.lst /home/gpfs/

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