A page to show when the main DOAJ site is down.
NEW: This can now be deployed via ansible in the sysadmin repo.
This is managed using git hooks. You'll need the server in your .ssh/config
and the remote:
git remote add production cloo@doaj-maintenance-page-webhost:maintenance_page.git
You can only deploy the master branch. To do so, run the following command:
git push production master
i.e. you are pushing master to the production remote. This will run the hooks, and
restart nginx
for you.
You need a bare git repo on the host, called maintenance_page.git
. This is created
with git init --bare maintenance_page.git
in the home directory.
Create the working tree directory where nginx will serve the files from and fix the permissions:
sudo mkdir /var/www/maintenance_page
sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/maintenance_page
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www
sudo usermod -a -G www-data cloo
The post receive hook then needs to be created on the host, by copying
to ~/maintenance_page.git/hooks/post-receive
chmod +x hooks/post-receive
on the host. This will allow the script to run on
deploy and copy the code to the correct work tree.
Afterwards, you can remove the copied hook and replace it with a symlink to the checked out hook (so you can update the hooks):
ln -sf /var/www/maintenance_page/deploy/hooks/post-receive hooks/post-receive
chmod +x hooks/post-receive
The nginx config expects an SSL certificate - this should be restored from a backup.
Because we have a different work tree set, we need to supply these to any git command, e.g.:
git --work-tree=/var/www/maintenance_page --git-dir=/home/cloo/maintenance_page.git status
or git --work-tree=/var/www/maintenance_page --git-dir=/home/cloo/maintenance_page.git reset --hard