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D And Fzf menu. A custom build of dmenu with fzf-like functionality, plus a collection of scripts utilizing its features.


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D And Fzf menu.
A custom build of dmenu 5.1 with fzf-like functionality, plus a collection of scripts utilizing its features.


Install dafmenu just as you would install dmenu from source.

git clone
cd dafmenu

Scripts in the /scripts directory are not currently installed globally with make install, you will have to add them to your path manually or directly call them.

General Keybindings

Some default dmenu keybindings have been remapped.

ctrl-j select item below
ctrl-k select item above
ctrl-p select previous history
ctrl-n select next history
ctrl-v paste
ctrl-space mark item
alt-enter print query


  • dmenu-center-20200111-8cd37e1.diff
  • dmenu-fuzzymatch-4.9.diff
  • dmenu-fzfexpect-5.1.diff
  • dmenu-fzfexpectmulti-5.1.diff
  • dmenu-instant-4.7.diff
  • dmenu-mousesupporthoverbgcol-5.0.diff
  • dmenu-navhistory-5.0.diff
  • dmenu-preselect-20200513-db6093f.diff
  • dmenu-rejectnomatch-4.7.diff
  • dmenu-scroll-20180607-a314412.diff
  • dmenu-tsv-20201101-1a13d04.diff

The only patches not currently available from are the 'fzfexpect' patches.

The fzfexpect patches are a port of the fzf expect functionality limited to ctrl-[a-z] keys.
This allows you to supply your dmenu scripts with ad hoc keybindings to perform different actions on selections.

fzfexpect example gif

For example:

ls | ./dmenu -ex "ctrl-r"

You can now utilize the expected ctrl-r key on an item to producing the following:


This allows you to easily handle different expected keys with just a case statement.


CHOICE=$(ls | ./dmenu -c -l 10 -ex 'ctrl-r,ctrl-t,ctrl-y')

case $CHOICE in
    ctrl-r*) echo "r choice:\n$CHOICE";;
    ctrl-t*) echo "t choice:\n$CHOICE";;
    ctrl-y*) echo "y choice:\n$CHOICE";;
          *) echo "choice:\n$CHOICE";;

Warning: passing -ex a key that is normally used by dmenu will override that key and make it behave as expected


While dafmenu and fzf are mostly compatible, dafmenu does have additional features fzf does not, therefore fzf scripts are made completely separate from their dafmenu counterparts.

fzf and dafmenu uniformity

For uniform keybindings with dafmenu, fzf is run with the following options.

    fzf --multi \
        --expect=ctrl-r,ctrl-t,ctrl-y \
        --delimiter="	" \
        --with-nth=1 \
        --bind=alt-enter:print-query \
        --bind=ctrl-p:previous-history \
        --bind=ctrl-n:next-history \
        --bind=alt-p:previous-history \
        --bind=alt-n:next-history \
        --bind=ctrl-j:down \
        --bind=ctrl-k:up \
        --bind=alt-j:page-down \
        --bind=alt-k:page-up \
        --bind=ctrl-q:toggle-all \
        --bind=ctrl-space:toggle \

Control your chromium browser through dmenu.

dafmenu-chromium example gif

Dependencies: xclip, jq, sqlite3,curl, a chromium based browser (only brave-browser and chromium tested)


  • Visit tabs
  • Close tabs
  • Bookmarks
  • History
  • Search for keywords
  • Search with search engine
  • Search Incognito
  • Search URL
  • Copy URL
  • Open Local Files

Fzf version: fzf-chromium

A convenient feature of dmenu is the implicit return of the query when there are no items selected, fzf doesn't implicitly return or print-query when there are no items selected, therefore you must always use alt-enter to print the current query.

You can have implicit print-query using the following option with fzf...
but you will no longer be able to use the --multi selection option.


fzf issue:1693


You must start your browser with the debugging flag:
chromium --remote-debugging-port=9222

If you don't use the default profile in your chromium browser, you may need to modify BOOKMARK_PATH and HISTORY_PATH in dafmenu-chromium to use your profile.


ctrl-t Show list of tabs (initial)
ctrl-h Show list of history
ctrl-b Show list of bookmarks
ctrl-d close selected tab (or multiple)
ctrl-p Previous search query
ctrl-n Next search query
ctrl-y Copy url of selection to clipboard
ctrl-space Select multiple
alt-enter Search keywords


Just start typing keywords and hit alt+enter to search in the default engine.
Technically you don't need to press alt as long as no items are selected in dmenu.

Search Engines

!d Duckduckgo
!dl Duckduckgo lite
!di Duckduckgo images
!id Duckduckgo incognito
!g Google
!nx Nix package manager packages
!wf Wolframalpha
!rd Reddit
!yt Youtube
!az Amazon
!eb Ebay
!mw Merriam Webster

Search with !bangs.
puppies in !d flowers

Search incognito.
!id teaching crabs how to read

Prefix search with // for a URL or local file.


Running your browser with the remote debugging flag could open up security vulnerabilities.
Read more about the remote debugging protocol and its security implications here:

If you dont like the idea of always running your browser with debug flag all the time, you could try dafmenu-search as a more limited version of dafmenu-chromium that does not requiring the debug flag.


Sadly firefox (nightly.101.0a1) does not fully implement the Chrome Development Protocol. Specifically the response from localhost:9222/json/list/ is missing the title for tabs, while localhost:9222/json/close/ and localhost:9222/json/activate/ routes are not implemented at all.

firefox resources for CDP

webdriver remote protocol
remote protocol docs

A simple music shuffler using MPV back end.

Most music players are far too complicated for my needs.
I like to listen to a single directory of songs on shuffle and choose a 'set' of them to play next.

The script assumes your Music directory is only 1 directory deep.

 ── Music
    ├── directory-1-of-songs
    │   ├── song1.mp3
    │   └── song2.mp3
    └── directory-2-of-songs
        ├── song1.mp3
        └── song2.mp3

Its highly recommended to set up playerctl with mpv-mpris to control the mpv instance.

Dependencies: mpv
Recommended: mpv-mpris playerctl


  • Choose directory of music
  • Play all songs in directory on shuffle
  • Choose one ore more songs to play next
  • Fuzzy search songs in current directory

The only notable difference is with the dafmenu version is preselecting the current playing song. Fzf does not have the ability to preselect items. fzf issue:395


  • Change $MUSIC to point at your music directory


ctrl-l List playlist
ctrl-h Choose song(s)
ctrl-space Multi select songs to play next

Inspired by and borrowed from: slakkenhuis/scripts

Control tmux with dmenu.

Dependencies: tmux

Recommended: wmctrl


  • Switch to (pane,window,session)
  • Close (panes,windows,sessions)
  • Swap (panes,windows)
  • Grab (panes,windows)


Using wmctrl to focus a Tmux window automatically on switch, you need to set its title in your .tmux.conf, and in the script.

In .tmux.conf

set-option -g set-titles-string 'TMUX'

In dafmenu/scripts/dafmenu-tmux.



ctrl-p List all panes(initial)
ctrl-w List all windows
ctrl-s List all sessions
ctrl-g Grab panes/windows
ctrl-x Swap pane/window
ctrl-d Close panes/windows/sessions

Control Emacs with dmenu.

Dependencies: emacs
Recommended: wmctrl


  • Switch to buffer
  • close buffer(s)
  • View buffers
  • View file buffers
  • View hidden buffers
  • View log buffers
  • View magit buffers


Emacs must be run in daemon mode.

emacs --daemon You should set your $EDITOR variable to emacsclient to connect to the daemon.

export EDITOR="emacsclient -a ''"

Connect to the Emacs server with your preferred client

Launch GUI Emacs emacsclient -c
Terminal emacs emacsclient -nw

To automatically switch to your Emacs window on selection, you may need to set its title in the script, as well as your Emacs configuration.
(setq-default frame-title-format "EMACS")


ctrl-a show all buffers (initial)
ctrl-f show file buffers
ctrl-g show magit buffers
ctrl-l show log buffers
ctrl-o show hidden buffers
ctrl-x close buffer(s)
enter switch to buffer

Control desktop windows with dmenu.

Dependencies: wmctrl


  • Switch to windows
  • Grab windows from other workspaces and bring them to your current workspace
  • Close windows


enter Switch to window
ctrl-g Grab window(s)
ctrl-x Close window(s)


DWM does not fully implement EWMH or ICCCM, and therefore some of these features will not work with an un-patched build.

A crude replica of the Emacs which-key package.

Unlike the emacs package, this script must be crafted by you.
Some commands have been provided as examples to help you craft your own 'which-key' menus.

Some sample commands rely on $TERMINAL and $BROWSER variables


  • Nest many commands behind a single keybinding
  • Incremental command menus


When creating your own menus, you must use uppercase letters for the labels, and lowercase for the trigger keys(or vice versa). This is because we are abusing dmenu's case sensitive nature to label and trigger keys.

Manage Todo list and Notes

Recommended: ripgrep


  • Create Todo items and Notes
  • Preview Todo items and Notes
  • Open Todo/Notes in editor, at point
  • Search contents of Todo/Notes

Fzf version: fzf-todo-notes


This script assumes your Notes are a single directory filled with only note files and your todo file.
New notes use the .md file extension by default.

 ── Notes

Set the TODO_LOCATION variable with the location of your Todo file $HOME/Documents/notes/
Set the NOTES_LOCATION variable with the location of your Notes directory $HOME/Documents/notes

To search for keywords in files ( ctrl-g ) the supplemental script todo-notes-ripgrep is required to be accessible, either in your path or directly called in dafmenu-todo-notes


ctrl-d Sort for DONE
ctrl-t Sort for TODO
ctrl-f Search for Notes by file name
ctrl-g Search keywords in Notes ( Requires ripgrep and todo-notes-ripgrep script )
ctrl-i Create Note
ctrl-p Toggle between TODO and DONE state
alt-enter Create Todo item


  • When creating new Todo items, you may just start typing your todo item and hit enter instead of alt-enter as long as no items are currently selected.
  • To create multi-line Todo items use the ; character in place of \n to create newlines.

This is a new todo item heading;This is the second line;This is the third line


D And Fzf menu. A custom build of dmenu with fzf-like functionality, plus a collection of scripts utilizing its features.





