This is the skeleton for all the python package we will be deploying in Spiny. You can use it to generate a python package projects.
This tool will create Python project with the following features:
- [Poetry]: Manage version, dependancy, build and release
- [Mkdocs]: Writting your docs in markdown style
- Testing with [Pytest] (unittest is still supported out of the box)
- Code coverage report and endorsed by [Codecov]
- [Tox]: Test your code against environment matrix, lint and artifact check.
- Format with [Black] and [Isort]
- Lint code with [Flake8] and [Flake8-docstrings]
- [Pre-commit hooks]: Formatting/linting anytime when commit/run local tox/CI
- [Mkdocstrings]: Auto API doc generation
- Command line interface using [Python Fire] (optional)
- Continuouse Integration/Deployment by [github actions], includes:
- publish dev build/official release to our our custom python server
- publish documents automatically when CI success
- extract change log from github and integrate with release notes automatically
- Host your documentation from [Git Pages] with zero-config
To use this cookiecutter make sure you have installed cookiecutter.
Make sure you have python and pip installed in your project.
You can use pip to install the cookiecutter with the following command :
pip install cookiecutter
To generate the project you can use the following command :
You’ll be asked to enter values to set your project up. If you don’t know what to enter, stick with the defaults.
The publish worklow under the path {{cookiecutter.project_name}}/.github/publish.yml
will handle the deployment for you.
I see the publish.yml file.
How do I know that file ran?
Any time you push a file to the master branch, The push will trigger the Publish workflow that will deploy your project to our server. I cannot tell if it was successful?
If you go under Github actions of your new package repository you can see if the action was successful. @chiazor can add the other slack notification in the future to notify the slack channel anytime a push is successful.
how do I use that new package?
You don't need to edit it, just read it and understand what it does, and it will do the work for you.
Will it updates every time I push to master?
Yes, see section one.