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(def random-graph (make-graph 10 20))
(shortest-path random-graph (first (keys random-graph))
(last (keys random-graph)))
; => list of nodes which is the shortest path
(eccentricity random-graph (first (keys random-graph)))
; => number expressing eccentricity for `first` vertex in random-graph
(radius random-graph) ; => minimal eccentricity
(diameter random-graph) ; => maximal eccentricity
(radius random-graph ecc-distance-fn)
; => maximal eccentricity with weight calculated by distance
- Graph doesn't have to be strongly connected; based on the test description:
(shortest-path random-graph (first (keys random-graph)) (last (keys random-graph)) ; => list of nodes which is the shortest path by edge weight between the 2 nodes, or no path if one does not exist.
Weight <= Integer/MAX_VALUE
, or we could have long overflows. It could be fixed by using operators that support big integers (like+'
, etc). -
There is only one direct path from one vertex to another.
Zero weight are possible, but not negative weights.
No OOM protection is needed. OOM will not be possible for graphs with less than 6000 vertices and 6_000_000 edges (for
= 2048mb). -
This is expected to be used only from the REPL. So assertions are good enough to handle illegal arguments.
- G, g — graph;
- e — edges;
- v — vertices;
- w — weight;
- adj — adjacent, adjacency.
Taking into account the assumptions
above, graph is represented as:
{:1 {:2 10, :3 15}
:2 {:3 12}
:3 {}}
Meaning there is an edge from 1 to 2 with cost 10, from 1 to 3 with cost 15, from 2 to 3 with cost 12.
This representation allows to query graph with effectively O(1)
. Example:
(contains (get G :1) :2) ; => true
Expected time: O(v log v)
; worst case: O(v^3)
, where v — count of vertices
Expected time: O(v^2)
; O(v)
in best case, where v — count of vertices.
Random weights are generated in place for performance reason. It's also possible
to generate a graph without weights and then extend it (O(e)
) as a third step.
Asymptotically it would be the same, but would work slower.
Another approaches is to extend one of the methods described in these papers:
- The Random Plots Graph Generation Model for Studying Systems with Unknown Connection Structures
- Efficient and simple generation of random simple connected graphs with prescribed degree sequence
Using an optimized implementation without infinities in the initial queue,
having O(E * Log V)
Practical optimizations and infinite graphs.
Eccentricity is based on distance functions. There are two of them:
— count of edges.ecc-distance-dist-fn
— sum of edges weights.
Memoization is used with eccentricities-memo
function to avoid recalculations
for radius and diameter when working with one graph.
Cache contains 2 slots, because we have now only 2 weight/distance calculation functions. So function may be invoked with two different combinations for one graph.
1. Extend the graph definition to include a weight between graph edges`
It should be between graph vertices