It is under development and is not fully tested. Please do not use it in production environments.
Prerequisite: Rust
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd safe-hash-rs
# Option 1: Build locally
cargo build --release
# The binary will be available at target/release/safe-hash
# Option 2: Install globally
cargo install --path crates/safe-hash
# The binary will be available as 'safe-hash' in your PATH
This tool helps protect against possible phishing or compromised UI attacks by allowing local verification of transaction and message hashes before signing.
Usage: safe-hash [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
tx Transaction signing mode
msg Message signing mode
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: safe-hash tx [OPTIONS] --chain <CHAIN> --nonce <NONCE> --safe-address <safe_address> --to <ADDRESS>
-c, --chain <CHAIN> Chain - arbitrum, aurora, avalanche, base, blast, bsc, celo, ethereum, gnosis, linea, mantle, optimism, polygon, scroll, sepolia, worldchain, xlayer, zksync, base-sepolia, gnosis-chiado, polygon-zkevm
-n, --nonce <NONCE> Transaction nonce of the safe address
-s, --safe-address <safe_address> Address of the safe address
-t, --to <ADDRESS> Address of the contract to send calldata to
-d, --data <HEX> Raw calldata encoded in hex [default: "0x"]
--value <AMOUNT> Value in wei to send [default: 0]
--operation <0|1> Call (0) or delegatecall (1) [default: 0]
--safe-tx-gas <AMOUNT> Gas limit for the safe transaction [default: 0]
--base-gas <AMOUNT> Base gas amount [default: 0]
--gas-price <AMOUNT> Gas price in wei [default: 0]
--gas-token <ADDRESS> Address of gas payment token [default: 0x0]
--refund-receiver <ADDRESS> Address to receive gas payment [default: 0x0]
--safe-version <VERSION> Safe Contract version [default: 1.3.0]
Usage: safe-hash msg [OPTIONS] --chain <CHAIN> --safe-address <safe_address> --input-file <FILE>
-c, --chain <CHAIN> Chain - arbitrum, aurora, avalanche, base, blast, bsc, celo, ethereum, gnosis, linea, mantle, optimism, polygon, scroll, sepolia, worldchain, xlayer, zksync, base-sepolia, gnosis-chiado, polygon-zkevm
-s, --safe-address <safe_address> Address of the safe address
-i, --input-file <FILE> Path to the message file to be signed
--safe-version <VERSION> Safe Contract version [default: 1.3.0]
# Basic transaction with just a target address and value
safe-hash tx -s 0xSafeAddress -c ethereum -n 42 -t 0xTargetContract --value 1000000000000000000
# Transaction with calldata (e.g., token transfer)
safe-hash tx -s 0xSafeAddress -c ethereum -n 42 -t 0xTokenContract -d 0xdatadatadata
# Transaction with custom gas parameters
safe-hash tx -s 0xSafeAddress -c ethereum -n 42 -t 0xTargetContract --safe-tx-gas 100000 --base-gas 21000 --gas-price 50000000000
# Real-world example
safe-hash tx \
--chain ethereum \
--nonce 63 \
--safe-address 0x1c694Fc3006D81ff4a56F97E1b99529066a23725 \
--to 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 \
--data 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000092d0ebaf7eb707f0650f9471e61348f4656c29bc00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005d21dba00
Expected output:
| Domain Hash | 1655e94a9bcc5a957daa1acae692b4c22e7aaf146b4deb9194f8221d2f09d8c3 |
| Message Hash | f22754eba5a2b230714534b4657195268f00dc0031296de4b835d82e7aa1e574 |
| Safe Transaction Hash | ad06b099fca34e51e4886643d95d9a19ace2cd024065efb66662a876e8c40343 |
# Sign a message from a file
safe-hash msg \
--chain sepolia \
--safe-address 0x657ff0D4eC65D82b2bC1247b0a558bcd2f80A0f1 \
--input-file test/test_message.txt
Expected output:
| Raw Message Hash | cb1a9208c1a7c191185938c7d304ed01db68677eea4e689d688469aa72e34236 |
| Domain Hash | 611379c19940caee095cdb12bebe6a9fa9abb74cdb1fbd7377c49a1f198dc24f |
| Message Hash | a5d2f507a16279357446768db4bd47a03bca0b6acac4632a4c2c96af20d6f6e5 |
| Safe Transaction Hash | 1866b559f56261ada63528391b93a1fe8e2e33baf7cace94fc6b42202d16ea08 |
You can find a more detailed list in the pinned GitHub issue.
- You trust this codebase
- You trust your hardware wallet
- You trust the Safe Wallet contracts