Minecraft servers tracker built on Cloudflare Workers with Vue.js.
You can see it live on craftstats.net
- Fast, it's running on more than 200 datacenters worldwide thanks to the power of Cloudflare Workers
- Historical players count of the last months
- Fully responsive
- UI to edit servers
- Minecraft: Bedrock Edition support
- Install Wrangler CLI
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Copy
- Create a KV namespace named
and add its id in thewrangler.toml
- Build the Vue.js frontend with
cd frontend && npm install && npm run build
- Publish to Workers with
workers publish
- Add an edit token in the
by editing the value ofSERVERS_EDIT_TOKEN
- Go on
and change servers - Enter the token and save
As currently Workers doesn't support opening sockets connections, CraftStats uses by default MC-API.net to ping servers, but it doesn't support Bedrock servers.
If you want to add Bedrock servers, you can deploy the ping function to
a serverless provider with Node.js support, like
Scaleway Functions and set
in the wrangler.toml
. This function is only used
to ping servers and everything else is still done on Cloudflare Workers.
CraftStats is inspired by MineStats (by nathan818), which is unfortunately no longer maintained today.