This is a project for IT473 e-commerce systems course. Our objective was to build and start a new business within the e-commerce domain. And complete the following tasks:
- Business Planning: Create a comprehensive plan for launching our new business.
- Website/App Development: Develop a functional e-commerce website.
- Project Reporting: Prepare an in-depth report detailing our project.
- Presentation: Present our project and demonstrate the website functionality.
Full report about our project idea is in this pdf. This repo will discuss the implmentaion of our website.
The website is functional and both the report and presentation are ready. We've presented our work and we got full marks for the project.
- User Authentication: Users can easily register and log in to interact with the platform securely.
- User Interface: A simple and intuitive web interface designed for seamless customer interactions.
- View services: Customers can browse a variety of storage options.
- Submit an order: Users can place orders for storage units with ease.
- Track orders: Customers can track the status of their orders and previous orders.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Backend: Laravel, PHP, Blade Templates.
- Database: SQLite.
- E-Commerce Development: Understanding of e-commerce platforms and their functionalities.
- Web Development: Enhanced skills in frontend and backend development.
- Project Management: Experience in planning, executing, and presenting a comprehensive project.
- Team Collaboration: Improved teamwork and communication skills through group collaboration.
To set up the Qubic Zone project locally, follow these steps:
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
- PHP (version 7.3 or higher)
- Composer
- Laravel (install via Composer)
- SQLite (or any other preferred database)
git clone
cd qubic-zone
Run the following command to install the required PHP packages:
composer install
Copy the example environment file and set up your environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
Run the following command to generate the application key:
php artisan key:generate
Run the migrations to set up the necessary tables:
php artisan migrate # or php artisan migrate:fresh
You need to seed the database with initial data.
php artisan db:seed
You can now start the Laravel development server:
php artisan serve
Visit http://localhost:8000
in your web browser to view the application.