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This project is a CLI password manager that uses Fernet cryptography and MySQL to encrypt and store your passwords.

Built With

  • MySQL (mysql-connector for python)
  • Fernet cryptography (python package)

Getting Started

1. Clone Repository

In a terminal session, navigate to the directory where you wish to save this project.

  • Run command: git clone

2. Requirements

* You will need a MySQL database for MySQLConnector/Python to connect to.

Install the required packages needed to run this project (virtual environment preferred):

  • Navigate to the directory for this project and run command: pip install requirements

This project uses mysql-connector-python to access and connect to a local MySQL database:

import mysql.connector


# Retrieve password for database connection
with open('password.txt', 'r') as f:
    password = f.readline()

def connect_to_database():
    db = mysql.connector.connect(

    return db

pm_db = connect_to_database()

# Cursor for interacting with database
cursor = pm_db.cursor()

Notice the variable 'password' obtained from file :

# Retrieve password for database connection
with open('password.txt', 'r') as f:
    password = f.readline()

3. Create Password

You will need to create a text-file titled password.txt in the base-directory of this project.

- Within password.txt, define your password for MySQL database connection on the first line.

- The connect-to-database() function will use this password directly in the Python script for connection.


- If you do not wish to store your MySQL password in a text file, you can hard-code it into the connect-to-database() function, and remove the file-reading code defined above. (Not Recommended)

- Alternatively, you can use any method for password storage that you prefer, so long as the connect-to-database() function's 'password' argument is properly fulfilled.

Refer to the MySQL Connector/Python documentation if you have an issue:

4. Usage

Once requirements are installed and you have defined your MySQL database password, this project is ready to run.

1. If not already, (in terminal/IDE) navigate to the project's directory and run command:

- python

- Upon first-launch, the program will connect to your database, store an encryption key, and begin a prompt for a master password creation.

- Master password will be required to access the program after created; Don't forget it!

5. Functionality

This project uses a main dialogue loop to provide 'modes' for user to access the program's functions and communicate with the database.

Available user functions:

- Add a password

- View a password

- Delete a password

- Modify a password

- View all passwords

Entries in database are stored with an affiliate 'site' name (ex. Youtube), the password itself, and an 'entry_id' that links the Site and Password together through a foreign-key relationship.

An example of the entry structure:

(1, 'myspace', 'gAAAAABgNc6jnKws4n3CyQXBr6nEh9dSnaCKbzJUEsCOu28UpxsFt1RWeeOGvCPytPl0Wa5ifrwnLEPXXbivCSjbBowvVp8rSQ==')
(2, 'youtube', 'gAAAAABgNc5EQWI7Jc8WPW-7I3LhJnOBFT3O7kPz7XoDbFQkhUkkQY_qVPiFILz3idXX5nbvPRRmuwlf85ybFKCMFqz1naPclA==')
(3, 'hogwarts', 'gAAAAABgNc64a3cWA6BN2d56X1pNYXv59XGAEgqPgCySahmVDhmTCMZPuOGEugsG4mW58ZIYqgH-OfscKDBSIAgHmMmoT_ev2w==')

Fernet Encryption

Fernet guarantees that a message encrypted using it cannot be manipulated or read without the key. Fernet is an implementation of symmetric (also known as “secret key”) authenticated cryptography.

This project's script will automatically save an encryption key within the project's files upon first-launch.

- Fernet uses symmetric encryption, meaning that the key used to encrypt values must also be the key used to decrypt those values.

- Because of this method, it is important that you do not alter the Fernet key in any way. Doing so could risk losing the passwords you have saved.

6. Warning

This is a personal project and is not-designed to be a hyper-secure, end-all place for secret information. Though passwords are encrypted legitimately, there is still risk. (Someone obtains your master password and/or Fernet key)


Cody | Myself

- I'm an aspiring developer from the US. I've been programming for around 3 years and am looking for a professional opportunity.

Contact me for anything related to this project, programming, hiring, or anything you'd like: - [email protected]

Thanks for checking it out. If you enjoyed the project, consider giving it a 'star'!


CLI password manager with fernet encryption







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