This repository contains a script for easily installing a components build of Skia C++ on a Linux system.
Install a prebuilt version from the cuarzo/software COPR:
$ sudo dnf copr enable cuarzo/software
$ sudo dnf install cuarzo-skia-devel
Link the library using pkg-config for Skia
- git
- wget
- tar
- python3
- gcc
- ninja
- egl
- gl
- glesv2
- harfbuzz
- fontconfig
- icu-uc
- freetype2
- zlib
- libpng
- libwebp
- libjpeg
$ git clone
$ cd Skia
# Run without params to see available options
$ ./
# Build & Install
$ SK_ARCH=x64 SK_PREFIX=/ SK_LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 SK_INCDIR=/usr/include sudo -E ./