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Keyboard Mappings

CuB3y0nd edited this page Jul 19, 2023 · 3 revisions

Table of Contents

How to create a mapping

  1. Follow the installation guide to set up 1llusion
  2. Edit sxhkdrc file (in ~/.config/bspwm/sxhkdrc)

More information about how to set sxhkdrc


Show Keybindings Help

alt + F1

Reload Keybindings

super + Escape

Application Menu

super + @space

Theme Selector

alt + @space

Get Updates

alt + u

Check Updates

ctrl + alt + u

Random Wallpaper

super + shift + w

Open Terminal

alt + shift + Return

Open Floating Terminal

alt + shift + f

Open Scratchpad Terminal

alt + shift + s

Power Off

ctrl + super + shift + p


ctrl + super + shift + r

Log out

ctrl + super + shift + q


ctrl + super + shift + l

Select an App/Process to kill

ctrl + super + shift + k

Hide Bar

super + h

Show Bar

super + u

Increase transparency in the focused window

ctrl + shift + plus

Decrease transparency in the focused window

ctrl + shift + minus

Reset transparency in the focused window

ctrl + shift + t

Screenshot Now


Select an area screenshot

ctrl + Print

Screenshot in 10s

alt + Print


Reload BSPWM

super + r

Close and Kill

super + {_,shift + }q

Rotate App

supper + ctrl + r

Circulate switch window in nodes

super + c

Make split ratios equal

super + equal

Make split ratios balanced

super + minus

Alternate between the Tiled and Mmonocle layout

super + m

Swap in the current node and the biggest node

super + g

Set the window state

super + {t,shift + t,s,f}

Set the node flags

ctrl + alt + {m,x,s,p,i}

Focused desktop window gaps scroll

super + button{4,5}

Global window gaps scroll

super + alt + button{4,5}

Focus the node in the given direction

super + {_,shift + }{Left, Down, Up, Right}

Focus the node for the given path jump

super + {p,b,comma,period}

Focus the Next/Previous node in the current desktop

alt + {_,shift + }Tab

Focus the Next/Previous desktop in the current mointor

super + alt + {Left,Right}

Focus the last Node/Desktop

super + {grave, Tab}

Focus the older or newer node in the focus history

super + {o,i}

Focus or Send to the given desktop

super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0}


Preselect the direction

super + ctrl + {Left,Down,Up,Right}

Preselect the ratio

super + ctrl + {1-9}

Cancel the preselection for the focused node

super + ctrl + space

Cancel the preselection for the focused desktop

super + ctrl + shift + space


Expand a window by moving one of it's side outward

super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l}

Contract a window by moving one of it's side inward

super + ctrl + shift + {h,j,k,l}

Move a floating window

alt + shift + {Left,Down,Up,Right}


Volume +


Volume -


Volume Mute


Next Music


Previou Music


Play/Pause Music


Stop Music


Manage Brightness

Increase Brightness


Decrease Brightness


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