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Version-independent mod configuration API. Previously embedded in Grimoire, now offered as a standalone API.

Supported MC versions

  • Forge 1.7.10
  • Forge 1.12.2


Getting Started

To get started with Omniconfig, add the Omniconfig dependency to your project:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    // Only the API
    implementation 'com.github.CrucibleMC:Omniconfig:<version>'
    // Alternatively, if you want to run in a minecraft development environment
    //implementation 'com.github.CrucibleMC:Omniconfig:<version>:<mc_version>-dev'

Omniconfig has two ways to declare a configuration file, either by IOmniconfigBuilder or @AnnotationConfig


With IOmniconfigBuilder, you can programmatically define your configuration file. Refer to the Javadoc for more information.


With @AnnotationConfig, you can annotate your configuration properties directly in your code, simplifying the configuration process. You can use annotations such as @ConfigString, @ConfigInt, @ConfigBoolean, and @ConfigEnum to mark your fields as configuration properties. Refer to the Javadoc for more information.


To declare an annotated configuration, create a dedicated configuration class

@AnnotationConfig(name = "ExampleModConfig", version = "1.0.0", terminateNonInvokedKeys = true,
        reloadable = true, policy = VersioningPolicy.DISMISSIVE, sided = SidedConfigType.COMMON)
public class ExampleConfig {

    @ConfigBoolean(name = "Boolean Config", comment = "Stores a boolean value", sync = true, category = "Java Primitives")
    public static boolean booleanConfig = true;
    @ConfigClassSet(name = "ClassSet Config")
    public static ClassSet<?> classSetConfig = new ClassSet<>(Object.class);

    @ConfigDouble(name = "Double Config", category = "Java Primitives")
    public static double doubleConfig = Math.PI;

    @ConfigEnum(name = "Enum Config")
    public static TestEnum enumConfig = TestEnum.VALUE3;

    @ConfigFloat(name = "Float Config", category = "Java Primitives")
    public static float floatConfig = 0.132F;

    @ConfigInt(name = "Int Config", min = -1, max = Integer.MAX_VALUE, category = "Java Primitives")
    public static int intConfig = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    @ConfigString(name = "String Config")
    public static String stringConfig = "µ";

    @ConfigStringCollection(name = "String Collection Config")
    public static List<String> stringCollectionConfig = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("ABC", "123", "'", "/?°", "←↓→"));

    enum TestEnum {

Then all you need to do is call OmniconfigAPI#registerAnnotationConfig(Class) as early as possible in your mod. Keep in mind however, if you are using Omniconfig with a coremod, you must load after the Omniconfig's coremod.