Crowdlinker Shortener uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [Laravel 4] - PHP MVC framework
- [AngularJS] - MVW javascript framework
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
- [npm] - Node package modules
- [Grunt] - Task Manager
- [Gulp] - The streaming build system. Too minify and compile SASS/SCSS.
- [jQuery] - duh
- [Vagrant] - Development Environment.
- [Embedly] - For Extracting URL
- [jVectorMap] - For Analytics geo visualizaton.
- [freegeoip] - REST Api for searching geolocation by ipaddress.
- [Mandrill] - SMTP server.
- Generate Shortlink. Ability to use any custom domain of your choice.
- Single Sign On - Currently supports Facebook,Twitter and username/password.
- Track clicks (Including unique clicks)
- Track Location - Countries and City
- Share to your social network.
- Scheduling post to social network (coming soon).
- SafeBrowsing
git clone [git-repo-url] [foldername]
cd [foldername]
composer install
return [
'FACEBOOK_ID' => '<facebook-key>',
'FACEBOOK_SECRET' => '<facebook-secret>',
'TWITTER_KEY' => '<twitter-key>',
'TWITTER_SECRET' => '<twitter-secret>',
'TWITTER_CALLBACK_URI' => '<your-domain>/auth/twitter/callback',
'MANDRILL_USERNAME' => '<mandrill-username>',
'MANDRILL_KEY' => '<mandrill-key>',
'EMBEDLY_KEY' => '<embedly-key>',
'SHORT_DOMAIN' => '<your-short-domain e.g sample.com>',
'COMPANY_NAME' => '<company-name>',
'COMPANY_SITE' => '<company-site>',
- Configure app/config/database.php - For production
- Configure app/config/local/database.php - For local environment (All config for local environment goes to app/local/)
- For production
php artisan migrate
- For local/dev environment
php artisan migrate --env=local
- Setup cronjob to run at midnight for following command (used for to analyze unique clicks):
0 0 * * * 1,2,3,4,5 /usr/bin/php /public_html/shortener/artisan crowdlinker:updatecount
Free Software, Hell Yeah! Feel free to contribute or suggest any issues or new features. [Laravel 4]:http://laravel.com [Grunt]:http://gruntjs.com/ [AngularJS]:https://angularjs.org/ [npm]:https:http://www.npmjs.org/ [node.js]:http://nodejs.org [Twitter Bootstrap]:http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ [jQuery]:http://jquery.com [Gulp]:http://gulpjs.com [Vagrant]:http://www.vagrantup.com/ [Embedly]:http://embed.ly [jVectorMap]:http://jvectormap.com/ [freegeoip]:http://freegeoip.net [Mandrill]:http://mandrillapp.com