Live scoreboard for the ElevenVR Table Tennis game, useful for streamers.

- Open this page:
- Enter the userID (can be found by clicking on the UserID label, searching for the username and copying the ID shown in the URL)
- The latest match of that user is displayed and the score is refreshed every 3 seconds.
- [Optional] Change scoreboard settings, player flags, etc. Chosen settings are stored directly in the URL.
In order to use the scoreboard you need an API key directly from the ElevenVR devs.
Please reach out to ElevenVR to request your API key.
You can overlay the scoreboard over your stream, it will always show the score of the current match that you are playing.
- Add a new "Browser" source
- Copy the URL of the scoreboard, including all settings stored in the query parameters, like the userID (
), like this:
- Resize and crop the browser area (you can crop by dragging resize handles while holding ALT).
If the matches score is wrong you can offset it using query params home-offset
and away-offset
, like this:
- The ElevenVR API is used to get the latest 10 matches of the given userID.
- The rounds/scores of the last match are currently shown.
- The scoreboard is refreshed every 3 seconds.
- If two players played multiple consecutive games as their latest games, the matches score between the two players is also displayed.
6 February 2024
* Removed CORS proxy.
* APIv1 was removed (ElevenVR disabled it)
* Improve API key text and add a link to ETT Discord.
6 January 2024
* Added support for ElevenVR API V2 (NOTE!: Currently using a proxy, until API allows CORS requests)
* Added option to automatically load player flags from their profile.
31 December 2023
* Added the option to show flags for each player.
* Design improvements.
11 October 2021
* Add checkbox option to flip player rows (thanks to @jerryfromearth [SolidSlime] for the suggestion)
* Refactor the code a bit to remove duplication of player rows
* Update [email protected]
28 May 2021
* Fixed match score count during the first game
* Shown ELO score is now rounded
* Scoreboard has rounded corners and expands to fit the number of sets
* Different style when a set is undergoing (red letters) vs when it's over (white letters)
* Different style when a match is over (winner score of each set is highlighted)
* Slightly decreased scoreboard background opacity
- Directly search for the username/userID in the scoreboare
- Improved design and different themes.
Keywords: Eleven Table Tennis, OBS Stream Overlay, Twitch Overlay, Live Scoreboard, ElevenVR Scoreboard Overlay, ElevenVR show scores, Eleven Oculus Stream video overlay