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Language: Swift Platform: iOS 8+ cocoapods compatible License: MIT Release version


HYRouter is the router framework that I built while I was doing one of my app with module development. It helps you decouple ViewControllers, run all your ViewControllers in a debug UITableViewController and flexibly set up the main UITabbarController.

If you use traditinal navigation methods offered by Apple, you can't decouple two modules. Each time when you navigate to the B_ViewController, you have to init an object of the B_ViewController. It means that you have to know the existence the B_ViewController Class. When the B_ViewController is from a different module, decoupling modules becomes very tough.


  • Navigate through the ViewController Identifier  
  • Pass data between ViewControllers easily
  • Support ViewController with storyboard or without storyboard
  • Configure the main UITabBarController with a dictionary
  • Setup entries for all ViewController in the dubug mode


You can install HYRouter via CocoaPods by adding it to your Podfile:


source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'HYRouter'

And run pod install.



1 - Implement the RouterController protocol

import HYRouter

class MyViewController:UIViewController, RouterController {
    var params: [String : Any]?

All data from previous ViewController will be here

2 - Prepare the data needed to pass

let param = RouterParams()
param["videoUrl"] = ""

3 - Call Navigate method

navigate(controllerName: String, params:RouterParams,isPresent: Bool)
  • controllerName: When the next ViewController use storyboard, the controllerName is the stroyboard identifier. When doesn't use storyboard, the controllerName is the ViewController class name
  • params: data is configured in a dictionary structure
  • isPresent: True for presentViewController, false for pushViewController

4 - Receive the data

import HYRouter

class MyViewController:UIViewController, RouterController {
    var params: [String : Any]? {
      didSet {
              guard let params = params else { return }
              if params.keys.contains("videoUrl")
              { self.urlString = params["videoUrl"] as? String }


import HYRouter

let vcs = ["Record","ActityHisController","History"]
window?.rootViewController = DebugLaucher.tableController(controllers: vcs)

Main UITabBarController

import HYRouter

let vcs = ["Record","ActityHisController","History"]
window?.rootViewController = DebugLaucher.tabController(controllers: vcs)