Course: CI 245 - Java Programming
Topic: Making your own game in Java
HajjyBird is a re-make of the popular name Flappy Bird.
HAJJ is an initialism which represents the letters of all our team members first names.
Each frame is drawn to a BufferedImage, which is displayed on a JavaFX ImageView No FXML is used, or any internal JavaFX components besides the ImageView/required scenes/stages
Abstract Renderable components used for easy rendering
void render(GameTask gameTask, Graphics2D graphics2D, int currentTick);
All of these renderables are called in order from bottom layer to top in the GameTask loop
Dynamic pipe system which takes a base pipe image and can dynamically generate pipes of different heights
Collision detection system which checks if the bird has collided with any of the pipes
Score system which increments the score when the bird passes a pipe
Game over screen which displays the score and a button to restart the game